this python module for reporting data in news database
avilabe options are to :
- view top articles
- view top authors
- view days with high error rate
python3 [option [number] ]
- atricles
- author
- error
- any positive number for atricles,author
- precent from 0 to 100 for error report
sample usage
python3.7 articles 3
Candidate is jerk, alleges rival 338647
Bears love berries, alleges bear 253801
Bad things gone, say good people 170098
python3.7 author
Ursula La Multa 507594
Rudolf von Treppenwitz 423457
Anonymous Contributor 170098
Markoff Chaney 84557
python3.7 error 1
2016-07-17 2.3175416133162612
top articles:
Candidate is jerk, alleges rival 338647
Bears love berries, alleges bear 253801
Bad things gone, say good people 170098
Goats eat Google's lawn 84906
Trouble for troubled troublemakers 84810
Balloon goons doomed 84557
There are a lot of bears 84504
Media obsessed with bears 84383
top authors:
Ursula La Multa 507594
Rudolf von Treppenwitz 423457
Anonymous Contributor 170098
Markoff Chaney 84557
error report:
2016-07-17 2.3175416133162612
python3.7 error .75
2016-07-05 0.78463952737007292532
2016-07-06 0.76126730779839288013
2016-07-08 0.76009501187648456057
2016-07-17 2.3175416133162612
2016-07-19 0.76763560956088332666
2016-07-21 0.76519896999470387348
2016-07-24 0.78554163920017578554
python3.7 author 2
Ursula La Multa 507594
Rudolf von Treppenwitz 423457
you don't need to create those views they are already included in python source code as create or replace
CREATE OR REPLACE view error_count as
select date(time) as date, count(*) as error
from log
where (status like '%%4%%' or status like '%%5%%')
group by date;
CREATE OR REPLACE view success_count as
select date(time) as date , count(*) as success
from log
where (status like '%%2%%')
group by date;
select count(*) from log
where (log.status like '%%200%%')
and (log.path like '%%/article/%%');
python3.7 articles
Candidate is jerk, alleges rival 338647
Bears love berries, alleges bear 253801
Bad things gone, say good people 170098
Goats eat Google's lawn 84906
Trouble for troubled troublemakers 84810
Balloon goons doomed 84557
There are a lot of bears 84504
Media obsessed with bears 84383
select path from log
where not (path like '%/article/%' or path like '/') limit 20;