Capsize provides Capistrano tasks to manage Amazon EC2.
This project is in no way endorsed, sponsored by, or associated with Amazon,, or Amazon Web Services.
gem install jnewland-capsize -s
- Edit your your
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# Include the Capsize EC2 'cap' tasks
# WARNING : This must be placed in your deploy.rb file anywhere
# AFTER the line where you set your application name! Looks like:
# set :application, "foobar".
# The application name is used by Capsize and the order matters.
require 'capsize'
# Use this to overwrite the standard capsize config dir locations
#set :capsize_config_dir, 'config/capsize'
#set :capsize_secure_config_dir, 'config/capsize'
# Use these to overwrite the actual config file names stored in the config dirs.
#set :capsize_config_file_name, 'capsize.yml'
#set :capsize_secure_config_file_name, 'secure.yml'
- Run
cap ec2:setup
- Read the task’s output for example usage.
Run cap -e on any task to get more details
- cap ec2:console:output
- cap ec2:addresses:allocate
- cap ec2:addresses:associate
- cap ec2:addresses:disassociate
- cap ec2:addresses:release
- cap ec2:addresses:show
- cap ec2:images:show
- cap ec2:instances:reboot
- cap ec2:instances:run
- cap ec2:instances:show
- cap ec2:instances:ssh
- cap ec2:instances:terminate
- cap ec2:keypairs:create
- cap ec2:keypairs:delete
- cap ec2:keypairs:show
- cap ec2:security_groups:authorize_ingress
- cap ec2:security_groups:create
- cap ec2:security_groups:create_with_standard_ports
- cap ec2:security_groups:delete
- cap ec2:security_groups:revoke_ingress
- cap ec2:security_groups:show
- cap ec2:setup
- cap ec2:setup:check
- All tasks optionally take environment variables in lieu of capistrano configuration variables.
Source is on GitHub. You know what to do.
© 2007-2008 Jesse Newland, Glenn Rempe
Distributes under the same terms as Ruby