Sauce Labs Appium Mobile Tests:-
In this repository you will find full soultion of appium test. You can use it as a start base to build other authomated tests on your local machine.
Table of Contents:-
1- Soultion stracture 2- Automated test functions
Soultion stracture:-
Consist of three projects. 1- First one is class libarary call SauceLab Framework which is responsible for initiating webdriver factory and data object file class for test data. 2- Second one is class library also call SauceLab Screens which is resbonsilabe for initiating mobile page and page factory. 3- Third one is Nunit project which call Sauce Lab Tests for writing automated test scenarios.
Automated test functions:-
In Sauce Lab Tests Project you will find five test scenarios as mentioned below:- 1- Verify user cannot login without username 2- Verify user cannot login without password 3- Verify user able to login successfully 4- Verify user able to add items to the cart and do successfully checkout 5- Verify user able to add and delete items to the cart