This is an library to update the redis db, if any refactoring has been done to the models, like 1. Renaming of a property 2. Addition of new property 3. Deletion of a property
The migration tasks are expected to be declared in Yaml file and provided to the libraries api, for running those tasks.
Once the tasks are run the Yaml file provided, to the api, will have an updated lastMigrationRun
Currently the support is only for message pack serialization.
Installing can be done using jitpack repo, which fetches dependent jars from github.
1. Add the repository in build.gradle, at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
2. Add Dependency:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.abdulrahmank:redis_migration:1.0.0'
1. Call the method `runMigration()` of `RedisMigration` class with required parameters.
ex: `new RedisMigration().runMigration(redisInterface, "migartion.yml");`
The first parameter is an instance of `RedisMigration.RedisInterface` interface, this interface is for
interacting with the redis, make sure the interface methods are implemented with the RedisFactory after
setting the required db and similar settings.
ex: `RedisMigration.RedisInterface redisInterface = new RedisMigration.RedisInterface() {
public Set<byte[]> keys(byte[] keys) {
return jedis.keys(keys);
public void setKey(byte[] key, byte[] modifiedValue) {
jedis.set(key, modifiedValue);
public byte[] get(byte[] key) {
return jedis.get(key);
public void close() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {