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Build + Deploy a Sentiment Analysis Model(on Heroku using flask) to classify YouTube comments for brand image improvement

An end-to-end toolkit on building a sentiment prediction model with a Jupyer notebook and deploying model on Heroku using flask. Our use case here is review classification of YouTube comments on Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra into positive, neutral & negative and suggest moddifications to the product to improve brand image of Samsung. I have scraped comments using youtube_comment_scraper_python library by bot-studio.

Deployed model on Heroku

Sentiment Analysis ISI Chennai 2023

I suggest the following modifications to ”Sumsung Galaxy S23 Ultra” developing team based on the negative comments recieved

• To include expandable memory card slot for upcoming version. • To use the better processor for upcoming version. • To include more features than previous model for upcoming model.

How the model works!

Step by step Implementation:

• Scraping comments on Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra's official film available on YouTube using Python • Labelling data as positive or negative based on polarity scores • Transforming data: Using lemmatization module; converting alphabets to lower case; removing new lines, punctuations, special characters, stop words; tokenization • Encoding: Labels to numerical form; comments to vectors using TfidfVectorizer • Balancing the dataset • Machine Learning model: Splitting the data into train and test set, feeding the data to Support Vector Classifier • Model pipeline: Creating a pipeline which passes the data first into TfidfVectorizer and then to SVClassifier • Model evaluation using accuracy score • Saving the model pipeline as pickle file • Making index.html and flask app( • Committing the files to Github • Creating an app on Heroku and connecting it to Github repository • Model deployment on Heroku

Steps to run on Windows for local Deployment

  • Prerequisites: Python 3.9 (ensure Python is added to PATH) + Git Client

  • Open GIT CMD >> navigate to working directory >> Clone this Github Repo

    git clone  
  • Open Windows Powershell >> navigate to new working directory (cloned repo folder)

  • Create a virtual environment

    • install virtual environment

      pip install virtualenv
    • create virtual environment by the name ENV

      virtualenv ENV
    • activate ENV

  • Install project dependencies

    pip install -r .\requirements.txt
  • Run the project

  • Look for the local host address on Powershell screen, something like: >> Type it on your Web Browser >> Project shall load

  • Try out your Amazon Alexa test reviews and look for results

  • To close >> Go back to Powershell & type ctrl+c >> Deactivate Virtual Environment ENV


Steps to run on Mac for local Deployment

  • Prerequisites: Python 3.9

  • Open Terminal >> navigate to working directory >> Clone this Github Repo

    git clone  
  • Navigate to new working directory (cloned repo folder)

  • Create a virtual environment

    • install virtual environment

      pip install virtualenv
    • create virtual environment by the name ENV

      virtualenv ENV  
    • activate ENV

      source ENV/bin/activate
  • Install project dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt  
  • Run the project

  • Look for the local host address on Terminal screen, something like: >> Type it on your Web Browser >> Project shall load

  • Try out your Amazon Alexa test reviews and look for results

  • To close >> Go back to Terminal & type ctrl+c >> Deactivate Virtual Environment ENV
