Data files from I08S CCHDO 1994, 2007 and 2016 expeditions (
merged into a long-format csv.
The data file is ctd_data.csv
For more information on its content and an analysis,
check paper with DOI 10.1126/sciadv.1601426.
(For now, this section is actually for myself, so that I remember how I came up with this file.)
The scripts suppose that the data were downloaded using the "exchange"
version in the "ctd" section of the CCHDO data repo and unzipped into folders
, ~/goship/2007
and ~/goship/2016
The tables-only files for each year were obtained with commands like ~/goship/ 1994
The columns of interest are 1st (pressure), 3rd (temperature), 5th (salinity) and 7th (oxygen).
Such commands save the tables on files starting with new_*
and ending with the name of the original file name.
Coordinates for each file were obtained with the scripts in the coordinates
folder and merged into lat_lon.csv
with the wide2long.R
R script.
Finally, merge.R
builds the ctd_data.csv