Udacity Cloud DevOps Project 2 - Infrastructure as Code Deploy a high-availability web app using CloudFormation.
To see my deployment, go to http://udagr-webap-1315m6qmur55u-1850233317.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/.
Here is the picture of the working page:
- An AWS account
- The AWS CLI (https://aws.amazon.com/cli/)
Using the AWS CLI, run:
This will create the S3 bucket, upload the zip file, and create the IAM role. You'll see a message in the terminal when it's finished. Then, run:
./create.sh udagram-network network.yml network-params.json
And finally, run:
./create.sh udagram-servers servers.yml servers-params.json
- Antonella Bernobich Dean - aberdean
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.