Over the course of the Spring 2023 semester, I will build a terminal-based version of Pokémon.
Battle system is now implemented!
The player will now encounter wild pokemon to capture them and battle other trainers!
At times, the game may crash on the select starter screen. This does not happen every time so restart
the game. Generally, it only happens the first time the game is made.
To test the features, run make
then ./play
to load the game. Traverse the world
to encounter pokemon and enter battles to see that Pokemon are loaded for npcs and the pc.
In the assignment 2 package, lives the code for solitare! This project runs the game Solitare using C++ and ncurses in the console! How to play can be found in this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqAqy1q6gM8&ab_channel=OnlineSolitaire.
To play the game in the console: 1. Run 'make' 2. Run ./solitare