An ambient noise mixer.
Possible additional sounds to add:
- smoking cigarette
- crunching chips
- vinyl noise (pops and hisses)
- writing a letter
- radio
Sounds were chosen to be under a CC0 (public domain) license from
Description | Creator | Link |
rain thunder | ali@k | link |
waterfall | ali@k | link |
waves | florianreichelt | link |
frogs | greysound | link |
campfire | cagancelik | link |
birds | sonidosreales245 | link |
purr | yetcop | link |
church bells | felix.blume | link |
subway | muvee69 | link |
chimes | smand | link |
city | keng-wai-chane-chick-te | link |
bar | epicwizard | link |
fishtank | 7778 | link |
dryer | theonlycanvas | link |
prayer | 3bagbrew | link |
voice | sanctuarymuch | link |
choir | jjbbllkk | link |
bowl | buddhassoundofsilence | link |
police scanner | guardian2433 | link |
passenger coach scanner | allh | link |
train horn | joshs | link |
film static | joedeshon | link |
Unless otherwise stated, all code and data is licensed under a CC0 license.