The code is the implementation of Face Detection using Viola-Jones Algorithm described at
The data is described at, and downloaded from and compiled into pickle files.
Each image is 19x19 and greyscale. There are Training set: 2,429 faces, 4,548 non-faces Test set: 472 faces, 23,573 non-faces
- An array of tuples. The first element of each tuple is a numpy array representing the image. The second element is its clasification (1 for face, 0 for non-face)
- 2429 face images, 4548 non-face images
- An array of tuples. The first element of each tuple is a numpy array representing the image. The second element is its clasification (1 for face, 0 for non-face)
- 472 faces, 23573 non-face images
- For the value of hyperparameter T=10, the model achieved 85.5% accuracy on the training set and 78% accuracy on the test set.