This page consists a set of coding challenges for software engineer and developers roles at iSentia.
Aim of this test is three fold,
- evaluate your coding abilities
- judge your technical experince
- understand how you design a solution
You will be scored on,
- coding standard, comments and style
- unit testing strategy
- overall solution design
- appropriate use of source control
- Candidates are suppose to take only one of the code challenges described in following section.
- Depending on role candidate should choose appropraite programming langugage, frameworks and libraries (defaults to C#/.Net and JavaScript)
- Candidate should put their test results on a public code repository hosted either on Github or Bitbucket
- Once test is completed please share the Github or Bitbucket repository URL to hiring team so they can review your work
Write a simple web application that reads data from Flickr's public feeds and displays the images on the page to the user. Please check the Flickr API documentation from the following URL:
- Write a web application which consist both backend and as well as frontend.
- On page load the applications should load the public feed images in either a list or grid view.
- The user should be able to enter a keyword in a search box and click on a search button and the app should return images with the relevant tags.
- Use any other third party library of your choice if needed
Design to impress, we would like to see you use ajax, avoid page reloading on clicking like or search You can use the Twitter Bootstrap to make your application look good.