📌depolyed link here.
- For Running this repository on local
- Frontend - cd to legalpay > npm install > npm start
- Backend - cd to legalPay-Backend > npm install > node index.js
1️⃣. Create a bank account by supplying a user id and password. Use static id or pass. (If credentials are store in database is adding extra points).
User Can Create Account with name , email , password and reEnter Password
Yes all the Credential added in MongoDb , when you create a new user with name email and password in the mongoDb database all ur infomration will be saved , like this - you can see here 👇
2️⃣. Login using their id and password.
- User Can login with email id and Password
3️⃣. Now if login was successful the user will be able to do the following:
- Withdraw money.
- Deposit money.
- Quit the program.
- After succesfully Login with same email and password that you had register with , a Home page will show
- where user can withdraw Money , Deposit there money and check there remaing Ballence also and Exit Button too return back to login Page.
- You can see here 👇
message after login successful
message user if already registered
message after wrong email or password
message after password didn't message
📌if you face any issue in register you can use this email - any@gmail.com and Password - 1234
- there are some issue on Alert message after deployment on register page it will not show you succesfully created account you can simple login with that register email passowrd it works well .. i will fixed this issue .