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llama3.cuda is an implementation of Llama 3.1 in pure C/CUDA.

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llama3.cuda is an implementation of Llama 3.1 in pure C/CUDA. Built on top of Karpathys llm.c.

## Research log
integrated `repeat_kv`and `apply_rope` into already optimized MHA implementaion. 
changed the implementation of `permute_kernel` used in previous MHA (since the K,V shapes were 
changed from `[B,T,NH,HS]` to `[B,T,num_kv_heads, HS]`)

`repeat_kv` optimized  with cma. perf gain from 
`time 0.3275 ms` for the `block_size=32`, to `time 0.3202 ms` (a hard-coded block_size (=head_dim))

optimized `swiglu` kernel using `bfloat16` and the _Packed128_ data structure which helps in 
faster **load/store** operations. Perf gain from `time 0.2018 ms` to `time 0.1711 ms` in 
forward pass, and `time 0.3049 ms` to `time 0.2900 ms` in 
backward-pass, with the `block_size=32`.

optimized `precompute_cis` using simple coalesced memory accesses. 
perf impraved from `time 0.0410 ms` to `time 0.0098 ms` for the `block_size=32`

optimized kernels of `apply_rope` with coalesced memory access, controlled warp-divergence, 
and shared memory access. The kernel was found to Memory-Bandwidth bound, so it was 
limited by GPU memory bandwidth, and thus no significant performance gains. Although, we can try 
using efficient load/store operations to improve performance

added 2 optimized gpu kernels of rmsnorm using **cooperative-groups**. performance gain 
from `time 0.5607 ms` to `time 0.2380 ms` in forward pass, and `time 3.4939 ms` to `time 0.3957 ms` 
in backward-pass, with the `block_size=32`

integrated all the kernels and components into llama3_forward and llama3_backward.

completed the implementation of attention_forward_gqa and attention_backward_gqa.

implemented the repeat_interleave function used in gqa.

implemented the precompute-cis-kernel of RoPE(Rotary Position Embedding).

implemented swiGLU.
Utilized four custom kernels to achieve the following:
- matmul_forward for xW.
- matmul_forward for xV.
- swiglu_forward to combine results.
- matmul_forward for projecting back to the original dimension.

understanding forward and backward kernels of attention, gelu, matmul, cse and more...

I have implemented three major kernels:


     * SwiGLU(x) = Swish(x) * Gate(x)
     * SwiGLU(x) = SiLU(x*W) * (x*V)
     * SiLU is the Swish activation function.
     * inp = x*W
     * gate = x*V
    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i < N)
        float xiW = inp[i];
        float xiV = gate[i];
        out[i] = (xiW / (1.0f + expf(-xiW))) * xiV;


void attention_forward_gqa(float *out, float *qkvr, float *att, float *inp,
                           float *freq_cos, float *freq_sin,
                           int B, int T, int C, int NH, int num_kv_heads)
    // Note: `inp` is not needed for backward pass, so we re-use it as a scratch buffer.
    // Its contents will be overwritten by this function.
    const int block_size = 256;
    const int softmax_block_size = 256;

    // inp is (B, T, 3C) QKV
    // preatt, att are (B, NH, T, T)
    // output is (B, T, C)
    int HS = C / NH; // head size
    int queries_per_kv = NH / num_kv_heads;

    // permute and separate inp from (B, T, 3, NH, HS) to 3X (B, NH, T, HS)
    float *q, *k, *v;
    q = qkvr + 0 * B * T * C;
    k = qkvr + 1 * B * T * C;
    v = qkvr + 2 * B * T * C;
    // size_t ksize = sizeof(k) / sizeof(k[0]);
    // size_t vsize = sizeof(v) / sizeof(v[0]);
    // printf("ksize-Vsize: %ld, %ld\n%d, %d, %d\n", ksize, vsize, HS, kv_HS, queries_per_kv);
    int total_threads = B * NH * T * HS;
    int num_blocks = CEIL_DIV(total_threads, block_size);

    // okay so now, this kernel wants Q,K,V to all be of shape (B, NH, N, d)
    // but instead, we have a single tensor QKV (inp) of shape (B, N, 3, NH, d)
    permute_kernel<<<num_blocks, block_size>>>(q, k, v, inp, B, T, NH, HS);

    apply_rope_forward(q, k, freq_cos, freq_sin, B, T, NH, (C / NH));

    // Repeat interleave for GQA
    if (num_kv_heads != NH)
        float *new_k, *new_v;
        cudaMalloc((void **)&new_k, B * NH * T * HS * sizeof(float));
        cudaMalloc((void **)&new_v, B * NH * T * HS * sizeof(float));

        int repeat_interleave_threads = B * num_kv_heads * queries_per_kv * T * HS;
        repeat_interleave_forward_kernel<<<num_blocks, block_size>>>(new_k, k, B, num_kv_heads, T, HS, queries_per_kv);
        repeat_interleave_forward_kernel<<<num_blocks, block_size>>>(new_v, v, B, num_kv_heads, T, HS, queries_per_kv);

        // Copy the contents of new_k and new_v back to k and v
        cudaMemcpy(k, new_k, B * NH * T * HS * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
        cudaMemcpy(v, new_v, B * NH * T * HS * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);


    // size_t k1size = sizeof(k) / sizeof(k[0]);
    // size_t v1size = sizeof(v) / sizeof(v[0]);
    // printf("%ld, %ld", k1size, v1size);

    // Batched matrix multiply with cuBLAS for QK^T
    const float alpha = 1.0f;
    const float beta = 0.0f;
    float *preatt = inp;
    cublasCheck(cublasSgemmStridedBatched(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_N, T, T, HS, &alpha, k, HS, T * HS, q, HS, T * HS, &beta, preatt, T, T * T, B * NH));
    // size_t sizepatt = sizeof(preatt) / sizeof(preatt[0]);
    // printf("Preatt: %ld", sizepatt);

    // Multiply all elements of preatt elementwise by scale
    float scale = 1.0 / sqrtf(HS);
    int grid_size = CEIL_DIV(B * NH * T * 32, softmax_block_size);
    softmax_forward_kernel5<<<grid_size, softmax_block_size>>>(att, scale, preatt, B * NH, T);


    // New approach: first cuBLAS another batched matmul
    float *vaccum = inp;
    // y = att @ v # (B, nh, T, T) @ (B, nh, T, hs) -> (B, nh, T, hs)
    cublasCheck(cublasSgemmStridedBatched(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, HS, T, T, &alpha, v, HS, T * HS, att, T, T * T, &beta, vaccum, HS, T * HS, B * NH));

    // Now unpermute
    // y = y.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(B, T, C) # re-assemble all head outputs side by side
    num_blocks = CEIL_DIV(B * T * C, block_size);
    unpermute_kernel<<<num_blocks, block_size>>>(vaccum, out, B, T, NH, HS);


// parallelized over b,t,c
__global__ void apply_rope_forward_kernel(
    float *q, float *k, float *freqs_cos, float *freqs_sin,
    int B, int T, int NH, int HS)

    int b = blockIdx.x;
    int t = blockIdx.y;
    int nh = blockIdx.z;
    int hs = threadIdx.x;

    int half_hs = HS / 2;

    if (hs < half_hs)
        int index = b * T * NH * HS + t * NH * HS + nh * HS + hs;
        int freq_index = t * half_hs + hs;

        float cos_val = freqs_cos[freq_index];
        float sin_val = freqs_sin[freq_index];

        float q_r = q[index];
        float q_i = q[index + half_hs];
        float k_r = k[index];
        float k_i = k[index + half_hs];

        q[index] = q_r * cos_val - q_i * sin_val;           // (ac-bd)
        q[index + half_hs] = q_r * sin_val + q_i * cos_val; // (ad+bc) * i

        k[index] = k_r * cos_val - k_i * sin_val;           // (ac-bd)
        k[index + half_hs] = k_r * sin_val + k_i * cos_val; // (ad+bc) * i

These kernels will help us implement the necessary LLaMA architecture.

Respectively, their backward kernels are also implemented as:

  • swiglu_backward_kernel
  • apply_rope_backward_kernel
  • attention_backward_gqa

Along, with these kernels, I have also implemented 2 helper kernels, named precompute_freqs_cis_kernel done of which will help us compute thecis-component of RoPE, and other repeat_interleave_forward_kernel (along with its backward-pass) which will help in implementing correctly the kv-heads.


chmod u+x ./dev/
make train_llama_fp32cu

📝 Implementation Details:

In attention_forward_gqa, I have used the code from llm.c that uses CuBLAS for matmul-computations, with addition of positional information in q and k matrices, with the rotational-component of freq_cos and freq_sin (computed from precompute_freq_cis kernel).

  • apply_rope_forward_kernel and apply_rope_backward_kernel, both kernels are implemented using simple parallelizing techniques, parallelized over b,t,c.
  • swiglu_forward_kernel leverages simple parallelizing technique over b,t,c. The inp and gate params to swiglu are computed using the matmul_kernel (very-optimized, utilized cuBLAS).
  • precompute_freq_cis kernel also leverages simple parallelizing technique over c/2 (embed_dim/2) elements, since in one-invokation, we are computing 2-components freq_cos (real-part), and freq_sin(imaginary part), for each embed_column.

RMSNorm Top-Comments

Profiling on NCU:

alt text

encoder_forward_kernel achieves the highest memory throughput of 90.77%, while the apply_rope_forward_kernel follows closely with 88.73%. The matmul_forward_kernel exhibits strong compute throughput at 62.27% but uses 123 registers, which could limit performance due to register pressure. The repeat_interleave_forward_kernel benefits from a large grid size of 73728 and relatively low register usage (16), leading to good occupancy and parallelism, though its impact is limited by a short duration of 0.45%.

🤞 Todos

Finally there are a couple more todos which I'll hopefully add really soon:

  • Currently, attention_forward_GQA only takes into account num_kv_heads as half of the NH (num_kv_heads = NH/2). An important To-do will be to add support any integer divisor of NH as num_kv_heads (num_kv_heads = integar * NH => NH % num_kv_heads == 0)
  • Implementing these simply parallelized kernels by furthur optimizing and utilizing advanced CUDA-techniques, such as: 🌟 using Shared-Memory and reductions for faster access 🌟 Using co-operative groups to implement warp-level synchronization (and see if significant perf gains). 🌟 Apply kernel fusions if possible.

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