My custom zsh theme, its simple, minimal and has the necessary informations.
- Download the theme
curl -o $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/less-noise.z
- set to
- Reload the shell (or logout)
source $HOME/.zshrc
The layout is basic, it is as follows:
~/repositories/less-noise main * 12:47:58 AM
You need to know you're working directory, you current git branch if you are inside a git repository, you current git status (you modified some files, uncommited files ....) and lastly the current time.
The following icons identify the files on your current git directory:
Icon | Description |
✈ | Added files |
✭ | Modifed files |
✗ | Deleted files |
➦ | Renamed files |
✂ | Unmerged files |
✱ | Untracked files |