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Rectangle Operations

eflanigan00 edited this page Dec 6, 2016 · 12 revisions
(defhydra hydra-rectangle (:body-pre (rectangle-mark-mode 1)
                           :color pink
                           :post (deactivate-mark))
  ^_k_^     _d_elete    _s_tring     |\\     _,,,--,,_
_h_   _l_   _o_k        _y_ank       /,`.-'`'   ._  \-;;,_
  ^_j_^     _n_ew-copy  _r_eset     |,4-  ) )_   .;.(  `'-'
^^^^        _e_xchange  _u_ndo     '---''(_/._)-'(_\_)
^^^^        ^ ^         _p_aste
  ("h" backward-char nil)
  ("l" forward-char nil)
  ("k" previous-line nil)
  ("j" next-line nil)
  ("e" exchange-point-and-mark nil)
  ("n" copy-rectangle-as-kill nil)
  ("d" delete-rectangle nil)
  ("r" (if (region-active-p)
         (rectangle-mark-mode 1)) nil)
  ("y" yank-rectangle nil)
  ("u" undo nil)
  ("s" string-rectangle nil)
  ("p" kill-rectangle nil)
  ("o" nil nil))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x SPC") 'hydra-rectangle/body)


Rectangle 2

I copied the hydra above. Changed a few of the keys and adjusted the ascii so it doesn't give warnings.

(defhydra hydra-rectangle (:body-pre (rectangle-mark-mode 1)
                                     :color pink
                                     :hint nil
                                     :post (deactivate-mark))
  ^_k_^       _w_ copy      _o_pen       _N_umber-lines            |\\     -,,,--,,_
_h_   _l_     _y_ank        _t_ype       _e_xchange-point          /,`.-'`'   ..  \-;;,_
  ^_j_^       _d_ kill      _c_lear      _r_eset-region-mark      |,4-  ) )_   .;.(  `'-'
^^^^          _u_ndo        _g_ quit     ^ ^                     '---''(./..)-'(_\_)
  ("k" rectangle-previous-line)
  ("j" rectangle-next-line)
  ("h" rectangle-backward-char)
  ("l" rectangle-forward-char)
  ("d" kill-rectangle)                    ;; C-x r k
  ("y" yank-rectangle)                    ;; C-x r y
  ("w" copy-rectangle-as-kill)            ;; C-x r M-w
  ("o" open-rectangle)                    ;; C-x r o
  ("t" string-rectangle)                  ;; C-x r t
  ("c" clear-rectangle)                   ;; C-x r c
  ("e" rectangle-exchange-point-and-mark) ;; C-x C-x
  ("N" rectangle-number-lines)            ;; C-x r N
  ("r" (if (region-active-p)
         (rectangle-mark-mode 1)))
  ("u" undo nil)
  ("g" nil))      ;; ok
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