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Tory S. Anderson edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 1 revision

Global Orgmode Bindings

Timers, work clocking, and capturing from anywhere (I use this hydra multiple times each hour).

(defhydra hydra-global-org (:color blue)
  ("t" org-timer-start "Start Timer")
  ("s" org-timer-stop "Stop Timer")
  ("r" org-timer-set-timer "Set Timer") ; This one requires you be in an orgmode doc, as it sets the timer for the header
  ("p" org-timer "Print Timer") ; output timer value to buffer
  ("w" (org-clock-in '(4)) "Clock-In") ; used with (org-clock-persistence-insinuate) (setq org-clock-persist t)
  ("o" org-clock-out "Clock-Out") ; you might also want (setq org-log-note-clock-out t)
  ("j" org-clock-goto "Clock Goto") ; global visit the clocked task
  ("c" org-capture "Capture") ; Don't forget to define the captures you want
  ("l" org-capture-goto-last-stored "Last Capture"))
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