This project is a Location Management System composed of two microservices: location-history
and location-management
. The system provides functionalities to update user locations, search for users within a radius, and calculate the distance traveled by a user within a specific time frame.
- Go 1.18 or later
- Protocol Buffers (protoc) version 3.0.0 or later
- Git
- PostgreSQL
git clone
cd golang-project
go work init
go work sync
cd db
go mod tidy
cd ..
cd location-history
go mod tidy
cd ..
cd location-management
go mod tidy
cd ..
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. location.proto
It requires to run two terminals, one to run location-history and the other to run location-management.
cd location-history
go run main.go
The service will start on port: '50051'.
cd location-management
go run main.go
The service will start on port: '8080'.
- URL: grpcurl -d '{"username": "testuser", "latitude": 12.345, "longitude": 67.890, "timestamp": "1617188765"}' -plaintext localhost:50051 location.LocationService/UpdateLocation
- Method: 'POST'
- Request body:
"latitude": 12.345,
"longitude": 67.890
- Response:
"status": "Success"
- URL: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/users/search?latitude=35.12314&longitude=27.64532&radius=100&page=1&page_size=10"
- Method: 'GET'
- Query parameters:
- latitude: Latitude of the center point.
- longitude: Longitude of the center point.
- radius: Search radius in kilometers.
- page: Page number (default is 1).
- size: Number of results per page (default is 10).
- Response :
- URL: curl -G "http://localhost:8080/users/distance" --data-urlencode "username=testuser" --data-urlencode "start=2024-11-10T09:00:00Z" --data-urlencode "end=2024-11-10T15:00:00Z"
- Method: 'GET'
- Query parameters:
- 'username': Username of the user
- 'start_time': Start time in ISO 8601 format
- 'end_time': End time in ISO 8601 format
- Response: