Glasse is an installable gulp-asset-pipeline, which provides you some basic tasks.
clean - Cleanup
. -
fonts - Compile and copy fonts.
images - Optimize and copy images.
scripts - Compile and pack the javascript.
scripts-concat - Concat the JavaScript into a single file.
scripts-lint - Lint the JavaScript files.
styles - Compile the CSS.
styles-concat - Concat the CSS into a single file.
styles-lint - Lint the stylus files.
svg-sprite - Build a SVG sprite out of images.
watch - Watches the required paths for changes.
Tasks are provided in the recommended gulp-require-tasks
'use strict';
const requireTasks = require('gulp-require-tasks');
const path = require('path');
arguments: [
config: require('./gulp-config'), // see section for gulp-config.js
passCallback: false,
path: path.join(__dirname, '../glasse/tasks'),
'use strict';
module.exports = {
dist_dir: './dist/',
styles: {
dist_dir: 'styles/', /* relative to scope dist_dir */
src: [
concat: [
name: 'concat.css',
dist_dir: 'styles/build/',
filter: [
'**/*', /* filter files from styles.src through gulp-filter */
extend: [
scripts: { /* ... */ },
'scripts-lint': { /* ... */ },
'styles-lint': { /* ... */ },
images: { /* ... */ },
fonts: { /* ... */ },
'svg-sprite': { /* ... */ },
watches: [
tasks: [
/* ... */
paths: [
/* .. */
In addition it's possible to overwrite the asset-pipeline internals:
'use strict';
module.exports = {
styles: {
settings: {
stylus: function(env) {
return [
true, /* condition for gulp-if, which decides, whether this task runs or not */
import: [ /* ... */ ],
} /* the config passed into the task, EXTENDING the defaults */