Here we will build the Infrastructure for Highly-Available WordPress website over AWS using Terraform and then install the WordPress using Ansible.
We’ll use the Terraform to create the fully operational AWS VPC infrastructure(subnets,routeing tables,igw etc), it will also create everything that need to be for creating EC2 and RDS instances (security key, security group, subnet group). It will also create the Elastic Load Balancer and add the EC2 instance(s) automatically to it.
Why terraform? - all the benefits using infrastructure-as-code. Rich documentations and cloud(aws) native.
- Terraform
- Ansible
- AWS admin access
Before using the terraform, we need to export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as environment variables:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Clone this repo
git clone
cd fc-tech-assignment/aws-terraform
Rename the file called terraform.tfvars.sample into the terraform.tfvars and change the values as per your requirement:
mv terraform.tfvars-sample terraform.tfvars
DRY run
terraform plan
To builds or makes actual changes in infrastructure:
terraform apply
To destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure:
terraform destroy
Here is an infrastructure diagram.
1. Terraform will create the Dev instance, that will be later be used as Bastion jump host and Ansible will isntall and configure wordpress on it.
2. Then it will bake AWS AMI from the Dev instance that will be used as launch configuration for the autoscaling group
2.1. Why we need AMI? - we need our own AMI, so when the autoscaling spin up another wordpress instance, the AMI will have already every component configured.(wordpress, log drivers etc.)
3. From that AMI it will spin up the wordpress instance.
4. ELB for publicly facing the internet and connect the wordpress to it.
5. It will create the Database - RDS
6. Also it will create an monitoring instance and again Ansible will configure the monitoring tools - nagios, kibana
- Create VPC with 6 x VPC subnets(2 x public, 4 x private) in different AZ zones inside the AWS region
- Create the AWS key pair with the provided public key
- Create 1 x security group for each(Bastion, Webservers, RDS and ELB)
- Provision 3 x EC2 instances: Bastion/dev, Webserver and Monitoring instance
- Provision 1 x RDS instance in private subnets / Optionally can launch RDS replica as well
- Launch and configure public facing VPC ELB (cross_az_load_balancing) and attach VPC subnets
- Register EC2 instances on ELB
- It will bake AMI from dev instance that will be used by the autoscaling group
- Install and configure the Wordpress, nginx, nagios, kibana, ELK on the instances
To achieve HA we'll span our autoscaling group in two different availability zones.
We use a dedicated VPC for our project, associate restrictive security groups to instances and put our EC2 instances, DB services in private subnets. SSH access to the EC2 instances only from The Bastion instance. We have additinal instance for Monitoring. Connection to the DB can originate only from the Webserver.
Sync wordpress files to the S3 code bucket.
RDS service gives you automatic backups of the Database.
The Autoscaling will spin up another wordpress instance in another availavbility zone if the whole zone fail
!!! Due to t2.micro instance limitations - the ELK and Kibana can't work properly, so the Kibana is currently stopped.
ELK Kibana and Nagios
- There is still a little manual work for the monitoring
- Separate the terraform in different reusable modules
- Use terragrunt as a wrapper
- Store the terraform state on S3 and locks in DB
- Use AWS IAM Roles for additional layer
- Add more security - VPN, OSSEC etc..