SIT313 - Developing Client-Server Web Applications | Project 1 Author - Buddhima Sehan - SID218215945
Wealth Calc helps you to be smart about your finance. It is built for everyone to plan easier, be more organized and stay in sync with daily cash flow.
- Budget Tracker(Track Expenses/Income)
- Helps to manage Savings
- Shows current cash in hand
- Glance over spendings/earnings on the go
- Categorizable Expenses/Income
- Helps to Improve your net income over time.
- 14/07/2019 - Initial start of WealthCalc
- 22/07/2019 - Created project files and updated the GITRepo
- 24/07/2019 - Created app icon and updated different resolution folders
- 25/07/2019 - Added navigation bar
- 30/07/2019 - Finished editing all the UI and connected with the Activities
- 31/07/2019 - Added Bussiness Logic by creating required classes and connecting to the activities
- 01/08/2019 - Finished creating Home and Adding new data to the app.
- 02/08/2019 - Created Custom ListView with the use of a ViewAdapter
- 03/08/2019 - Implemented the list view and implemented data
- 04/08/2019 - Carried out multiple tests and added a Splash Screen
- 06/08/2019 - WealthCalc V1 Completed