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Repository files navigation


This is a simple application made on Symfony and ReactJS for 2 simple usecase

  • Store and retrieve the file path a file, stored in database.
  • Multi contact form with front-end and back end validation with React JS and PHP.

System Requirement

  • MySql 8
  • PHP72

You also need the Nodejs and npm in your development environment to build the webpack.

How to run locally

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Run composer install in your project root directory.
  3. Run npm install to install all the webpack dependencies.
  4. Duplicate .env file in the name .env.local
  5. Update your database connection details in the .env.local file
  6. Run bin/console --env=dev doctrine:database:create if you haven't created database already, this command with create an empty database for you.
  7. Run bin/console --env=dev doctrine:migrations:migrate this will create you the required table.
  8. Run npm run build that will compile and dump the webpack assets.
  9. Run symfony serve this is start a local php server, and you will now be able to browse the application on your site.

How to import the file structure into database

A symfony console command is implemented to import the file structure into the database. To run the command, run the following from your project root directory.

bin/console netpay:generate 

This will import a in-build example file demo/file.txt.

You can also pass a user defined file, using the option --file in the same command.