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IoT integration between Tuya smart switch and irrigation control to track and alert on water consumption, with graphical website and email based alerting.


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water-tracking and other IoT automata

Primary function:

IoT integration between Tuya smart switch and irrigation control to track and alert on water consumption

  • Poll data from Tuya and
  • Postprocessing to understand usage
  • Http service for plotting data
  • Email monitoring if current (short term filtered) rates exceed historical rates

Secondary functions:

  • Simple script for monitoring Foscam IP cameras and Windows desktop, and reboot on demand with email reporting.
  • Manage log rotation on foscam videos ftp folder.
  • Image classifier for garage door status with email reporting
  • Test uplink for external IP address, and speedtest
  • Monitor laptop "GARMOUGAL" for blacklisted websites

Ternary functions:

  • Add foscams to alexa via homebridge straddles.

Project Timelines:

  • 08-10-2018: Initial concept for water-monitoring after n-th breakage of drip irrigation and many days of wasted water.
  • 08-22-2018: Buy smart switches with energy monitoring (aka: Tuya)
  • 08-25-2018: Energy monitor cli scraper tested
  • 08-28-2018: Enhancements to tuya-cli to get electric current readings
  • 08-30-2018: [v0.1] Simple script to get csv logs of scrape, with a 3 step manual process to generate MS Excel plots.
  • 09-03-2018: [v0.5] 1st online plot with canvasJS on apache server. "We have live data on pump state"
  • 09-10-2018: [v0.6] Harden: autostart polling script, crontabs, etc.
  • 09-20-2018: [v0.8] Plot histogram data. Looks good but not actionable. "May help find a leak"
  • 10-06-2018: [v0.9] Build rachio cli scraper. Plot rachio data. We now have full visibility on what is going on! Actionable but not easy to understand. "Will help find a leak"
  • 10-25-2018: [v1.0] Plot "rates"! Actionable, easy to understand, but not accurate. "Will find leaks, but also high FA/MD"
  • 11-01-2018: [v1.0.1] Build rachio event parser
  • 11-04-2018: [v1.1] Move to event parsing. "Definitive", but reactive.
  • 11-06-2018: [v1.1.1] Better handling of missing events.
  • 11-09-2018: [v1.2] Emails. "Definitive with Reminders". Quick hack emails. Dropped the dummy zonestats. Fix events handling for missing start event, or partial irrigation data by always starting RachioEvents reader from midnight.
  • 11-16-2018: [v1.2.1] Refactor. Drop the low confidence data from short runs for Drip zones
  • 11-17-2018: [v1.3] Email alerts - 1st version. Seems to be about right, but will need tweaking. "Definitive and proactive"
  • 11-21-2018: [v1.3.1] Refactor emails. Better handling of alerting, email frequency, content
  • 12-08-2018: [v1.4] Extend email capabilties. Add Foscam/Alpha monitoring to ecosystem. Refactor directories
  • 12-08-2018: [v1.4.1] Use logger and arg parser in Parser. Remove symlink to lib files
  • 01-15-2019: [v1.4.2] Github repo.
  • 01-15-2019: [v1.4.3] Better filtering on email reports. Add pumpDutyCycle to emails.
  • 01-20-2019: [v1.4.4] Better reporting on reboot. Add deep inspection to confirm windows is healthy
  • 01-21-2019: [v1.5.0] Foscam garage image fetch. ML experimentation stubs. Further refinement on email reports (inc script error traceback)
  • 01-23-2019: [v1.5.1] HTML emails. CPU temp monitoring for host OS. Foscam ftp folder sanity check
  • 01-25-2019: [v1.5.2] HTML emails part 2. Minor tweak to averaging computation. Installation notes for tensorflow
  • 01-28-2019: [v1.5.3] Minor tweaks on plotter/email. bug fix on check_deep_state. restartable background processes in cron.
  • 01-30-2019: [v1.5.4] Minor fix in rates computation. Post report on the website too. bug fixes on check_garage. Drop the non-alert day.
  • 02-13-2019: [v1.5.5] Maintenance release. TF libraries finally working (Details below).
  • 02-14-2019: [v1.5.6] Some cleanup around email alerts
  • 02-16-2019: [v1.5.7] Bug fix on node check, simplified Mailer logic -> move complexity into cron New TF model training and predictor script (but still not working for garage image)
  • 02-17-2019: [v1.6.0] First version of garage door detector (Recall: 0% :( ) Note: Need to run, and save transferlearning output before first activation Moved everything down to python 3.5 to support TF.
  • 02-17-2019: [v1.6.1] Bug fix on alerting exposed by python3.5 not using ordered dicts. Fix logger level. Garage detector can now bypass image save to disk. Recall is still 0%. Install notes for OpenCV
  • 02-18-2019: [v1.6.2] OpenCV only available for python3.6. In general seems to be a bad idea to stay with 3.5, as apt-get will misbehave. Building TF for 3.6 and we expect cruising. Some cleanup - retry for nodecheck, config of "logs" directory.
  • 02-19-2019: [v1.6.3] favicon. Better error reporting on purge_foscam_files. Opencv install notes. refactor PumpReports.
  • 03-01-2019: [v1.6.4] Better sizing for charts. Stablize Garage TF on python3.5. Improvements to deletion of foscam logging directory
  • 03-10-2019: [v1.6.5] Improvements to deletion of foscam logging directory. Add foscam image checking to Rebooter
  • 03-16-2019: [v1.6.6] Bring foscam deletion under the proper email control (instead of using cron reports)
  • 03-17-2019: [v1.6.7] Early Success on Garage ML! Worked on animals library...
    Loading model: /home/abutala/bin/GarageCheck/my_model.h5
    Recheck model on training dir: /home/abutala/image_classification/train_animals/
    Found 197 images belonging to 3 classes.
    Loss:  0.2567218820632998 Accuracy:  0.9187817258883249
    Predicting image: /home/abutala/image_classification/train_animals/horses/images.jpg
    1/1 [==============================] - 4s 4s/step
    Best Guess: horses (Confidence: 0.94)  -- [0.01,0.04,0.94]
  • 03-18-2019: [v2.0.0] First working release of ML detector
  • 02-16-2020: [v2.1.0] Add uplink test diagnostics
  • 02-17-2020: [v2.1.1] Add reboot foscams to landing page. Refine stats sort order on landing page
  • 03-22-2020: [v2.1.2] uplink test retry logic
  • 04-25-2020: [v2.1.3] Rollup of minor enhancements to error handling
  • 05-22-2020: [v2.2.0] New module for remote browser web usage alerting. Also add Twilio SMSing
  • 06-02-2020: [v2.2.1] Dynamically reload-able config
  • 05-29-2022: [v2.3.0] Telsa Powerwall state machine
  • 10-08-2023: [v2.4.0] Telsa Powerwall changed their APIs. Update TeslaPy to latest. Replace Twilio with Pushdown for notification - Only did this in manage_power, but will want to roll ot out to other apps to



Changes to libraries:

  • In cli, modify get to passthrough config. Add support for dps option
  • In tuyaApi, add support for dps option
  • In python3: site-packages/foscam/ (from foscam.foscam import ... )


  • Two options here: Either install TF for Py3.6 [recommended] or Opencv for Py3.5 (Opencv is officially available for py3.6)
  • We tired v. hard to compile tf, but failed, so finalled compiled opencv
  • For TF: [Note: building bazel will take ~1 day, building TF will take ~2 days!!]
  • Confirm that odroid has sufficent power (may fail if powered froma CPU usb port).
    • If still hitting odroid reboots: cpulimit -l 10 --
  • Increase system swap to 4GB:
    • grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
    • sudo swapoff -a
    • sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=4
    • sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
    • sudo mkswap /swapfile
    • sudo swapon /swapfile
    • Also add to fstab
  • Finally did not use virtual env, but if required:
    • sudo apt-get install virtualenv
    • virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3.6 ./python-tf/
  • Build TF:
    • bazel build --config=opt //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0"
    • ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package /tmp/tensorflow_pkg
    • pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow-*aarch64.whl
  • Alternative (we found a TF wheel for p3.5 and compiled openCV):
  • opencv -- Install notes here:
    • cd ; git clone; cd opencv; git checkout 4.0.1
    • cd ; git clone; cd opencv_contrib; git checkout 4.0.1
    • cd /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/ffmpeg; ln -sf /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/libavformat/<avformat|avio>.h .
    • In opencv/cmake/OpenCVDetectCXXCompiler.cmake change "dumpversion" to "dumpfullversion"
    •  mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE
      -Wno-dev ..
    • make -j2; ...


IoT integration between Tuya smart switch and irrigation control to track and alert on water consumption, with graphical website and email based alerting.








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