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JAWS Scripts for the Java MUD Client : Version 5.1.6


In the early 2000's, I created a set of JAWS scripts that made the Java MUD Client accessible for use with the JAWS For Windows screen reader. Since then though, present-day API advancements have made it possible to update these scripts so that JMC can directly communicate with JAWS in order to provide significantly more powerful functionality and customization.

A MUD is a Multi-User Dungeon gaming server that communicates through the telnet protocol. For a comprehensive description of MUDs and what these are, visit:

A comprehensive MUD search engine such as MUD Connect can be used to locate public MUD servers.

JMC (the Java MUD Client) is a free open source client that provides access to all of these MUD servers. The JAWS Scripts within this archive make the JMC Client accessible for non-sighted screen reader users, and include many powerful features. The JMC MUD Client is also included within this archive , and has already been configured to interface with JAWS.

How It Works

For those who are not interested in the details and simply want to use the MUD client, skip to the JMC and JAWS Scripts Setup section below.

The JMC MUD Client is a portable application that does not require installation, and can be run locally or from a thumb drive. Since JMC supports advanced scripting using jScript, vbScript, PERL, amongst others, it also has the ability to access COM components on the operating system.

Within the JMC directory, a jScript file named "common.scr" has been added to the Settings folder, which instantiates several public API components before dynamically loading the JAWS integration scripts within the file named "common.scr.txt" within the root JMC application folder.

The jScript common.scr.txt module registers all relevant events within the MUD client, so that incoming messages from the MUD server are processed and then passed to the JMC JAWS Scripts for string parsing and announcement. This is accomplished using the FS API COM component so that internal JMC processes can pass information directly to JAWS without having to rely upon visual text output recognition. This makes message string processing much faster and more reliable. Also, this file can be edited to program additional functionality into JMC if desired.

In addition to using the FreedomSci.JAWSAPI COM object for JAWS integration, and WScript.Shell for path recognition, the HomerJax script component by @jamalmazrui (Jamal Mazrui) is also included for advanced processing within the registered JMC event functions. Reference:

Since MUD strings are passed to JAWS before they are processed by JMC for visual rendering, it is now necessary to use the JAWS Dictionary Manager to customize speech output for pronunciation and substitution strings if desired.

JMC and JAWS Scripts Setup

Setup is relatively simple. First download this archive and save it somewhere. Then perform the following steps.

  1. Copy all of the files within the folder "JAWS Scripts for JMC", then open your personal JAWS Settings folder and paste these files into that directory.

To locate your JAWS Settings folder, press Windows+R to open the Run dialog, and paste the following including the quotes: "%appdata%\Freedom Scientific\JAWS" Then open the folder {JAWS-Version-Number}\Settings\enu, where {JAWS-Version-Number} is your currently running version of JAWS. It is within the folder "Settings\enu" where the JAWS Scripts for JMC should be pasted into.

  1. In order to run JMC where it can communicate with JAWS, the shared library will need to be registered within Windows. This is very simple to do, though it does require being 'Run as Administrator'.

To do this, press Shift+F10 on the file named "JMC Object Library Register as Administrator.bat" within the JMC root folder, then activate "Run as Administrator". That should do the trick.

  1. Now to use JMC, just run jmc.exe from the root JMC folder. You should hear JAWS announce "Not Connected" every time you press Enter on the command line, that means it is working.

Sometimes when creating new profiles within JMC, the new profile will not include the scripts that initialize integration with JAWS, so then you won't hear anything when typing into the command line. Simply press Insert+Control+R to reload the JMC scripts, and this will then be fixed for the currently running profile.

Starting in version 5.1.4 of the JMC Scripts for JAWS, advanced functionality has been added so that when new messages arrive from the MUD server while focus is not within the JMC application, these incoming strings will still be processed by the JMC scripts and announced by JAWS regardless. To enable this functionality, simply do the following:

  1. Open the JMC application.
  2. Press Insert+0 to open the JAWS Script Manager, then press Control+Shift+D to open the Default JAWS Script file.
  3. At the end of the Default script file, paste the following string on a blank line: use "jmc.jsb"
  4. Press Control+S to save and compile the script file, then close the Script Manager.

Hotkey List (Also available by pressing Insert+H within JMC)

JMC Script Setup

When creating new profiles, it may be necessary to reload the supporting JMC scripts for message announcement.

To reinitialize the JMC scripts for message announcement, press Insert+Control+R.

JMC Help Documentation

  • To open the JMC Script Reference file, press Insert+F1 twice quickly.
  • To open the jmc program (help) file, press Control+F1.

Automatic Monitoring

  • To set a string to match for automatic monitoring, press Alt+Control+Insert or Windows+Insert. (Example: "HP:", so that this matches a constant string sent by the MUD.)
  • To hear the most recent automatic monitor value received by the MUD, press Alt+Control or the Windows key.

JMC Session Logging

Log file is automatically saved within the JMC directory within the file named "log.log".

  • To toggle current session logging, press Control+L.
  • To toggle log file appending versus overwrite modes, press Alt+Shift+L.
  • To toggle auto session logging every time JMC is opened, press Control+Shift+L.

Server Listing

  • To view the current host list, press Control+H
  • To quickly connect to the specified host, press Alt+Control+H
  • To remove the specified host, press Alt+Shift+H
  • To completely remove the host list, press Alt+Control+Shift+H

Quick connect using jmc

  • Quick connect to server: Windows+Enter
  • Quickly add new host and port: Alt+Enter


  • To view a list of all available profiles, press Control+Shift+P.
  • To switch between profiles, press Alt+P.
  • To speak the name of the currently loaded profile, press Control+P.
  • To create a new profile, press Control+Shift+N.
  • To remove a profile, press Control+Shift+R.
  • To reload the default profile, press Control+Shift+D.

Basic Commands

  • To toggle speech output for incoming messages, press Control+S.
  • To toggle the use of auto re-typing, press Control+Enter.
  • To clear the edit field, press Control+Shift
  • To maximize or restore the screen, press F12.
  • To hear whether the screen is currently maximized, press Control+F12.
  • To quickly add a new host and port to jmc, press Alt+Enter

Changeable Speech Output Settings

  • Toggle reading interrupt: Shift+Windows+Enter
  • Toggle typing interrupt: Control+Insert+2
  • Toggle keyboard echo: Insert+2
  • Toggle punctuation: Alt+Shift+P

Copying and Storing Text

  • To make a virtual copy of the message window, press Alt+C.
  • To copy all message window text to the clipboard, press Control+Shift+C.
  • To copy the current word at the cursor, press Shift+Space. (See below for storing this string)
  • To copy the current line at the cursor, press Control+Space. (See below for storing this string)

Storing Strings and Fast Retreaval

  • To store a string after using either the Copy Word or Copy Line command above, press F1 through F12 (Note: The string will be assigned to the key that is pressed.)
  • To quickly retreave and auto-type a stored string, press Alt+`, then press the F# key for the string that you would like to retreave.
  • To automatically filter out specific characters when storing strings into F# slots, press Alt+Shift+` to specify which characters you would like ignored.

Reviewing Recent Messages

  • To change the refresh settings for each buffer, press Alt+Control+Shift+Enter.
  • To modify the Forward Message Buffer length, press: Alt+Control+F
  • To modify the Reverse Message Buffer length, press: Alt+Control+R
  • To listen to the Reverse Message Buffer, press Alt+Control+UpArrow.
  • To listen to the Forward Message Buffer, press Alt+Control+DownArrow.
  • To make a virtual copy of the Reverse Message Buffer, press Alt+Shift+UpArrow.
  • To make a virtual copy of the Forward Message Buffer, press Alt+Shift+DownArrow.

Reviewing Previous Messages

  • To listen to the last 1 through 5 messages in the forward message buffer , hold down the Windows key, and press 1 through 5.
  • To listen to the last 1 through 5 messages in the reverse message buffer , hold down the Alt+Windows keys, and press 1 through 5.

Loop Commands with Time Delay and Search Parameter

  • Assign loop command: Insert+Shift+Tab
  • Activate loop command: Insert+Tab
  • Cancel current loop: Control+Shift

Interrupt Values

  • To view a list of all interrupt values in the current profile, press Alt+F1.
  • To add an interrupt value to the current profile, press Alt+F2.
  • To remove an interrupt value from the current profile, press Alt+F3.
  • To toggle the use of interrupt values, press Control+F4
  • To toggle case sensitivity for the current profile's interrupt values, press Control+F5.
  • To hear whether case sensitivity is active for the current profile's interrupt values, press Control+Shift+F5.

Interrupt Comparison Strings

  • Toggle Interrupt Strings: Control+F4
  • Toggle case sensitivity: Control+F5
  • Show all of the interrupt comparison strings currently listed: Alt+Shift+F1
  • Add a new interrupt comparison string: Alt+Shift+F2
  • Remove an interrupt comparison string: Alt+Shift+F3

Ignore Values

  • To view a list of all ignore values in the current profile, press Alt+1.
  • To add an ignore value to the current profile, press Alt+2.
  • To remove an ignore value from the current profile, press Alt+3.
  • To toggle the use of ignore values, press Control+4.
  • To toggle case sensitivity for the current profile's ignore values, press Control+5.
  • To check whether case sensitivity is active for the current profile's ignore values, press Control+Shift+5.

Ignore Comparison Strings

  • Toggle Ignore Strings: Control+4
  • Toggle case sensitivity: Control+5
  • Show all of the ignore comparison strings currently listed: Alt+Control+F1
  • Add a new ignore comparison string: Alt+Control+F2
  • Remove an ignore comparison string: Alt+Control+F3
  • Advanced: To configure the Auto Tracking feature, do the following:
  • Within the first Ignore Comparison String dialog, enter the string that always appears before the direction text.
  • Within the second Ignore Comparison String dialog, enter the string that always appears just after the directional text.
  • (Note: The text exactly between the first and second values above, will be stored in the following variable: $var$ )
  • Within the optional third dialog, type the command you would like to perform during tracking. These variables can be used:
  • $var$ (Which is the direction that the victim has gone.)
  • $targ$ (Which is the name of the victim being tracked.)

Advanced: Auto Tracking, Experimental

(This feature becomes available after using the Copy Word command: Shift+Space.)

  • To start auto tracking, press Insert+Windows. (This is usually the name of the victim, which will be saved in the $targ$ variable for later use during tracking. See above.)
  • To clear auto tracking, press Control+Shift+Windows.
  • (Important: This feature works in conjunction with the Ignore Comparison String feature, so refer to the Ignore Comparison String section to properly configure auto tracking.)

Spam Filtering and Repeat Message Suppression

  • Toggle the combination of Spam filtering and repeat message suppression: Shift+Alt+Enter
  • Toggle whether leading or trailing Spam will be filtered: Control+Shift+Enter
  • Toggle whether the enter key will refresh the Spam filter: Control+Alt+Enter

Message Trimming

  • Toggle message trimming: Alt+Shift+T
  • Specify the message that you wish to be trimmed: Control+T
  • Specify the number for both leading and trailing lengths to be trimmed: Alt+Control+T

Customizable Hotkeys

  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+UpArrow, press Alt+Windows+UpArrow
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+DownArrow, press Alt+Windows+DownArrow
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+LeftArrow, press Alt+Windows+LeftArrow
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+RightArrow, press Alt+Windows+RightArrow
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+PageUp, press Alt+Windows+PageUp
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+PageDown, press Alt+Windows+PageDown
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+Home, press Alt+Windows+Home
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+End, press Alt+Windows+End
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+NumPadSlash, press Alt+Windows+NumPadSlash
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+NumPadStar, press Alt+Windows+NumPadStar
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+NumPad5, press Alt+Windows+NumPad5
  • To assign value to Shift+Windows+Insert, press Alt+Windows+Insert

Quick Navigation Mode

Toggle quick navigation mode on/off: Control+Insert+NumPad5, or Insert+K, or Control+K

Navigational hotkeys...

  • Go direction: Hotkey
  • North: Windows+UpArrow
  • North-East: Windows+PageUp
  • East: Windows+RightArrow
  • South-East: Windows+PageDown
  • South: Windows+DownArrow
  • South-West: Windows+End
  • West: Windows+LeftArrow
  • North-West: Windows+Home
  • Up: Control+Windows+UpArrow
  • Down: Control+Windows+DownArrow
  • Custom NumPad5: Windows+NumPad5

To change the string assignment for any compass direction...

Change direction: Hotkey

  • North: Alt+Control+1
  • North-East: Alt+Control+2
  • East: Alt+Control+3
  • South-East: Alt+Control+4
  • South: Alt+Control+5
  • South-West: Alt+Control+6
  • West: Alt+Control+7
  • North-West: Alt+Control+8
  • Up: Alt+Control+9
  • Down: Alt+Control+0
  • Custom NumPad5: Alt+Control+`
  • Reset original compass directions: Shift+Alt+=

Hyper Nav Mode

(Hyper Nav Mode is meant to work using the NumPad keys as a compass with one hand.)

  • To activate Hyper Nav Mode, press Insert+Control. When Hyper Nav Mode is active, the following navigation keys are enabled: (The numpad is best used for this.)
  • North: Uparrow
  • North-east: PageUp
  • East: Rightarrow
  • South-east: PageDown
  • South: Downarrow
  • South-west: End
  • West: Leftarrow
  • North-west: Home
  • Up: Shift
  • Down: Control
  • Custom NumPad5: NumPad5
  • To quickly disable Hyper Nav Mode, press the Insert key.

Auto Mapping and Quick Escape

  • Toggle the use of auto mapping: Control+Shift+NumPad5, or Control+Shift+F12
  • Copy the forward track to the clipboard: Alt+Shift+F
  • Copy the backward track to the clipboard: Alt+Shift+B
  • Remove the last recorded direction from the map: Shift+Control+M
  • Clear both the forward and backward tracks: Control+Shift+Semicolon

Auto Mapping - Ignore Strings

  • Manually add new auto map ignore string: Alt+Shift+A
  • Automatically add new ignore string: Alt+Shift+C
  • Show all current Auto Map Ignore Strings: Alt+Shift+I
  • Remove an auto map ignore string for the current profile: Alt+Shift+M

Quick Escape and Command Stacking

  • To toggle quick escape, press: Alt+Shift+Escape
  • To toggle the use of automatic delay during map execution, press Alt+Shift+D
  • To change the automatic delay value, press Alt+D

Load Map into Memory

  • Load new map into memory: Alt+L
  • Run map in loaded memory: Control+Shift+F1
  • Copy map in forward track to loaded memory: Alt+S

Custom Macros

  • Add a macro command to the Tab key: Alt+Windows+Tab
  • Add a macro command to the Insert key: Alt+Shift+Insert
  • Add a macro command to the Escape key: Alt+Shift+Escape
  • To clear a macro: Repeat the desired hotkey above, and leaving the input field blank, press enter.


  • To clear all settings/values from the configuration file, press Alt+F11.
  • To clear all settings/values from the default profile, press Control+Shift+0.

Special JMC Script Commands

  • To speak the currently running script version, press Alt+Shift+V.

Distributed under the terms of the Open Source Initiative OSI - MIT License.

Developed and maintained by: Bryan Garaventa Or on Twitter at


JAWS Scripts for the Java MUD Client.







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