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A short tandem repeat variant caller that incorporates copy number information


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ConSTRain: copy number guided STR allele inference

ConSTRain is a short tandem repeat (STR) variant caller that can account for copy number variants (CNVs), aneuploidies, and polyploid genomes. It is accurate and fast, needing less than 20 minutes to genotype >1.7 million STRs in a 100X alignment of human whole-genome sequencing reads on 32 threads. For more detailed information on ConSTRain, please refer to the preprint.

In case you encounter any problems with ConSTRain or have a question, feel free to open an issue or send an email to

Method overview

To infer STR genotypes, ConSTRain generates all possible allele length distributions for each locus and returns the one that best matches the observed allele length distribution. An overview of how ConSTRain works internally is shown below.

method overview

ConSTRain overview and example. (1) An STR locus are loaded from the input files. The locus reference information is parsed from the STR panel. The STR copy number is set based on the karyotype, and optionally updated if the STR is affected by a CNV. (2) Reads overlapping the STR region are extracted from the alignment file, and the length of the STR region in each read is determined. (3) The observed distribution is sorted, and at most as many allele lengths as the STR copy number are kept. (4) This yields the final observed allele length distribution. (5) Next, all possible genotypes are generated for the STR copy number and stored in matrix G. (6) From G, the matrix D is generated by multiplying it with the total number of mapped reads (51 in the example) divided by the STR copy number (3 in the example). Each row in D corresponds to the expected allele length distribution of one of the genotypes in G. (7) The expected distribution with the lowest error to the observed distribution is found by taking the absolute difference between each row in D and the observed distribution, then (8) taking the sum of rows and finding the one with the lowest value. (9) The genotype in G with the lowest error is selected (10) and reported in the output. The inferred genotype of the STR locus in this example consists of an allele of 4 CAG units (present once), an allele of 5 CAG units (present once), and an allele of 8 CAG units (also present once).


Using the pre-compiled binaries

ConSTRain releases ship with pre-compiled binaries for MacOS (Intel) and x86_64 Linux. You can find them here. Please notify us of any issues or if you'd like us to include pre-compiled binaries for other targets.

Building from source

In order to build ConSTRain from the source code, you will need to install the Rust programming language. Then, clone this repository and build ConSTRain as follows:

git clone
cd ConSTRain/ConSTRain
cargo build --release --bin ConSTRain

The binary will be created at ./target/release/ConSTRain (alternatively, cargo install --path . from within the ConSTRain/ConSTRain directory will create the binary and put it in ~/.cargo/bin ).

Possible issues

libclang is not found

Building hts-sys fails with the following error:

Unable to find libclang: "couldn't find any valid shared libraries matching: ['', 'libclang-*.so', '*' 'libclang-*.so.*'], set the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable to a path where one of these files can be found (invalid: [])"

This is caused because Bindgen requires libclang. The problem can be solved by installing clang (see instructions here) or, if it is already installed, providing the location of the directory containing through the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable:

LIBCLANG_PATH=/path/to/clang/lib cargo build --release --bin ConSTRain

System header files are not found

Building hts-sys fails with an error like this:

./htslib/htslib/hts.h:31:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found

Caused because some system header file (e.g., stddef.h) is not found. Address this by providing the location of the directory containing system header files through the C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable:

C_INCLUDE_PATH=/path/to/include cargo build --release --bin ConSTRain

Running ConSTRain

Some basic ConSTRain invocations are shown here. For details on all command line arguments, run ConSTRain --help or go to the command line arguments section below.

Calling STR variants from aligned sequencing reads is done via the ConSTRain alignment subcommand. To run, ConSTRain alignment needs at least a BED file specifiying locations of STRs in the reference genome, a JSON file encoding the target chromosomes and their ploidies, and an alignment in SAM/BAM/CRAM format. For some species, input files are provided in resources directory (currently, only Homo sapiens and Musa acuminata). A basic ConSTRain alignment invocation looks like this:

ConSTRain alignment -a <ALIGNMENT> -k <KARYOTYPE> -r <REPEATS>

By default, ConSTRain prints logging information up to and including 'info' level to stderr. To enable more in-depth logging information, set the RUST_LOG environment variable, e.g.:

RUST_LOG=debug ConSTRain alignment -a <ALIGNMENT> -k <KARYOTYPE> -r <REPEATS>

If you know there are CNVs in the sample you're analysing, ConSTRain can account for these if you supply the affected regions as a BED file via the --cnvs flag:

ConSTRain alignment -a <ALIGNMENT> -k <KARYOTYPE> -r <REPEATS> --cnvs <CNVs>

Re-running ConSTRain on a VCF file

Once an alignment has been analysed using ConSTRain alignment the generated VCF file can be used to re-run ConSTRain. This is useful if you decide you want to use different filtering parameters, or maybe you have access to new CNV information that was not available when you first analysed a sample. Rather than having to analyse the alignment again, you can use the ConSTRain vcf subcommand to re-estimate STR genotypes. This is possible because ConSTRain includes the observed allele length distribution for each STR as a FORMAT field in the VCF file. Running ConSTRain vcf is typically a matter of a few seconds.

The basic invocation of ConSTRain vcf is:

ConSTRain vcf -v <VCF> -k <KARYOTYPE> -r <REPEATS> -s <SAMPLE>

Again, you can add CNV information via the --cnv flag:

ConSTRain vcf -v <VCF> -k <KARYOTYPE> -r <REPEATS> -s <SAMPLE> --cnvs <CNVs>

Input file formats

ConSTRain expects alignments to adhere to file specifications maintained by the GA4GH, and outputs variant calls in VCF format. However, specific formats are expected for other input files, which are outlined here.

  • Copy number variants: CNVs can be specified as a BED3+1 file, with the extra column indicating the (absolute!) copy number of the region affected by the CNV. E.g., chr5 106680 106750 3.
  • Karyotype: the organism's karyotype should be specified as a JSON file mapping the names of chromosomes to their ploidies. E.g., {"chr1": 2, ... "chrX": 2, "chrY: 0"} for a human female sample, {"chr1": 2, ... "chrX": 1, "chrY: 1"} for a human male. It is critical that chromosome names in this file match chromosome names in the alignment file exactly.
  • Repeats: the location of repeats in the reference genome should be provided as a BED3+2 file, with the two extra columns indicating the repeat unit length and the repeat unit. E.g., chr5 21004 21014 2 AT specifies a dinucleotide repeat with sequence ATATATATAT starting at position 21004 on chromosome 5.

Command line arguments

All of ConSTRain's command line arguments are listed here. For details on expected formats of the CNV, karyotype, and repeat file, see the section on input file formats below.

long short subcommand required default description
--alignment -a alignment y Input file to extract repeat allele lengths from. Can be SAM/BAM/CRAM
--cnvs both n Copy number variants for this individual. Expected format is BED3+1
--flanksize alignment y 5 Size of flanking region around the target repeat that reads need to cover to be considered (both sides)
--karyotype -k alignment y File containing chromosome names and their base ploidies. Expected format is JSON
--max-cn both y 20 Maximum copy number to consider
--max-norm-depth both n Maximum normalised depth of coverage to perform allele length estimation. E.g., max-norm-depth of 30. means loci with more than 60 reads for a locus with copy number 2 will be skipped, 90 for copy number 3 etc.
--min-norm-depth both y 1.0 Minimum normalised depth of coverage to perform allele length estimation. E.g., min-norm-depth of 10. means at least 20 reads are needed for a locus with copy number 2, 30 for copy number 3 etc. (must be at least 1.)
--reference alignment n Reference genome. Expected format is FASTA (NOT gzipped), index file should exist right next to FASTA. Required if alignment is in CRAM format
--repeats -r alignment y File specifying target repeat regions. Expected format is BED3+2
--sample both n (y for vcf) infer from file name Sample name
--threads both y 1 Number of threads to use
--vcf -v vcf y Input file to extract repeat allele lengths from (VCF)

ConSTRain INFO and FORMAT fields

ConSTRain provides several INFO and FORMAT fields in its VCF output to describe repeat loci and genotyping results.

INFO fields

INFO field Description
END End position of reference allele
RU Repeat unit
PERIOD Repeat period (length of unit)
REF Repeat allele length in reference

FORMAT fields

FORMAT field Description
GT Genotype
FT Filter tag. Contains PASS if all filters passed, otherwise reason for filter
CN Copy number
DP Number of fully spanning reads mapped to locus
FREQS Frequencies observed for each allele length. Keys are allele lengths and values are the number of reads with that allele length
REPLEN Genotype given in the number of times the unit is repeated for each allele

Filter tags

The FT FORMAT field may hold different values. An overview of the meaning of different FT values is given here:

FT value Description
PASS All filters passed
UNDEF Undefined ConSTRain filter
DPZERO No reads were mapped to locus
DPOOR Normalised depth of coverage at locus was out of range specified by --min-norm-depth and --max-norm-depth command line arguments
CNZERO Copy number was zero
CNOOR Copy number was out of range specified by --max-cn command line argument
CNMISSING No copy number set for locus. Can happen if contig is missing from karyotype or if only a part of the STR is affected by a CNA
AMBGT Multiple genotypes are equally likely


A short tandem repeat variant caller that incorporates copy number information







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