This is the source code for training and evaluating "Predictive-Corrective Networks".
Please file an issue if you run into any problems, or contact me.
To download models+data, run
This will create a directory with the following structure
vgg16-init.t7: Initial VGG-16 model pre-trained on Imagenet.
vgg16-trained.t7: Trained VGG-16 single-frame model.
pc_c33-1_fc7-8.t7: Trained predictive-corrective model.
trainval.h5: Train labels
test.h5: Test labels
Currently only models for THUMOS/MultiTHUMOS are included, but we will release Charades models as soon as possible.
Before running on any videos, you will need to dump frames (resized to 256x256)
into a root directory which contains one subdirectory for each video. Each video
subdirectory should contain frames of the form frame%04d.png
), extracted at 10 frames per second. If you would like to train
or evaluate models at different frame rates, please file an issue or contact me
and I can point you in the right direction.
You may find my
scripts useful for this.
Store frames from your videos in one directory frames_root
, with frames at
as described above.
To evaluate the predictive-corrective model, run
th scripts/evaluate_model.lua \
--model data/multithumos/models/pc_c33-1_fc7-8.t7 \
--frames /path/to/frames_root \
--output_log /path/to/output.log \
--sequence_length 8 \
--step_size 1 \
--batch_size 16 \
--output_hdf5 /path/to/output_predictions.h5
To train a single frame model, look at config/config-vgg.yaml
. Documentation
for each config parameter is available in main.lua
, but the only ones you
really need to change are the path to training and test frames.
frames_root: '/path/to/multithumos/test/frames'
labels_hdf5: 'data/multithumos/labels/test.h5'
frames_root: '/path/to/multithumos/trainval/frames'
labels_hdf5: 'data/multithumos/labels/trainval.h5'
Once you have updated these, run
th main.lua config/config-vgg.yaml /path/to/output/directory
First, generate a predictive-corrective model initialized from a trained single-frame model, as follows:
th scripts/make_predictive_corrective.lua \
--model data/multithumos/models/vgg16-trained.t7 \
--output data/multithumos/models/pc_c33-1_fc7-8-init.t7
Next, update config/config-predictive-corrective.yaml
to point to your dumped
frames, as described above. Then, run
th main.lua config/config-predictive-corrective.yaml /path/to/output/directory
This usually takes 2-3 days to run on 4 GPUs.
Note: This is an incomplete list! TODO(achald): Document all required packages.
- argparse
- classic
- cudnn
- cutorch
- luaposix
- lyaml
- nnlr
- rnn
Please note that there are a number of other scripts and configs in this repository that are not well documented. I am sharing them in case any of them are useful to look at, to see how I use the model, etc., but beware that they may be broken and I may not be able to help you fix them.
For convenience, we provide the labels for the datasets we use as HDF5 files. However, it is possible to generate these yourself. Here is the script I used to generate MultiTHUMOS labels HDF5, and here is a similar script for Charades. These are not very well documented, but feel free to contact me if you run into any issues.