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acka47 committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent 5e4e3a9 commit 829d964
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 142 deletions.
267 changes: 125 additions & 142 deletions hcrt.ttl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,152 +1,135 @@
@prefix : <> .
@base <>.
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix dct: <>.
@prefix skos: <>.
@prefix vann: <> .

: a skos:ConceptScheme;
dc:title "Hochschulcampus Ressourcentypen"@de, "Higher Education Resource Types"@en ;
dc:description "Eine Wertelliste für Typen von Lernressourcen (Learning Resource Type), entstanden im Kontext des Metadatenschemas \"LOM for Higher Education OER Repositories\" ("@de, "a value list for learning resources types, developed in the context of a metadata schema LOM for Higher Education OER Repositories\" ("@en ;
<scheme> a skos:ConceptScheme;
dc:title "Hochschulcampus Ressourcentypen"@de, "Higher Education Resource Types"@en, "Brontypen voor het hoger onderwijs"@nl, "Типи ресурсів вищої освіти"@uk ;
dc:description "Eine Wertelliste für Typen von Lernressourcen (Learning Resource Type), entstanden im Kontext des Metadatenschemas \"LOM for Higher Education OER Repositories\" ("@de ;
dct:publisher <> ;
dct:issued "2020-02-07" ;
vann:preferredNamespaceUri "" ;
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "hcrt" ;
dct:license <> ;
skos:hasTopConcept :application, :assessment, :audio, :case_study, :course, :data, :diagram,
:drill_and_practice, :educational_game, :experiment, :lesson_plan, :map,
:portal, :questionnaire, :script, :simulation, :slide, :text, :textbook, :video, :web_page,
:worksheet, :other .

:application a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "Softwareanwendung"@de .

:assessment a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "Lernkontrolle"@de, "Assessment"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "unter anderem (Selbst-)Tests"@de, "amongst others (self) tests"@en .

:audio a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "Tonaufnahme"@de, "Audio Recording"@en .

:case_study a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "Fallstudie"@de, "Case Study"@en .

:course a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Kurs"@de, "Course"@en .

:data a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Daten"@de, "Data"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "unter anderem Roh- oder Beispieldaten"@de, "amongst others raw and example data"@en .

:diagram a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Diagramm"@de, "Diagram"@en ;
skos:altLabel "Grafik"@de, "chart"@en, "graph"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "Balken"@de, "Torten"@de, "Kurven"@de ;
skos:editorialNote "Adrian hat am 2024-04-17 mehrere scopeNotes ergänzt."@de, "Wirklich?"@de ;
skos:changeNote "Adrian hat am 2024-04-17 mehrere scopeNotes ergänzt."@de , "Das steht doch schon in der editorialNote!"@de , "Achso, sorry."@de .

:drill_and_practice a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Übung"@de, "Drill and Practice"@en .

:educational_game a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Lernspiel"@de, "Game"@en .

:experiment a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Experiment"@de, "Experiment"@en .

:image a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Abbildung"@de, "Image"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "Fotos und sonstige Bilder"@de, "photos and other images"@en .

:index a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Nachschlagewerk"@de, "Reference Work"@en ;
skos:narrowMatch <> ;
skos:broadMatch <>;
skos:exactMatch <>;
skos:relatedMatch <> ;
skos:related :other ;
skos:scopeNote "zum Beispiel Glossar, Enzyklopädie, Lexikon"@de, "e.g. glossary, encyclopedia, dictionary"@en .

:test_collection a skos:Collection ;
skos:prefLabel "Test-SKOS-Sammlung A"@de, "A Test SKOS collection"@en ;
skos:member :application, :assessment, :audio .

<> skos:prefLabel "Enzyklopädie"@de .

<> skos:prefLabel "Informationsmittel"@de .

<> skos:prefLabel "Nachschlagewerk"@de .

<> skos:prefLabel "Wikipedia"@de , "Wikipedia"@en .

:lesson_plan a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Unterrichtsplanung"@de, "Lesson Plan"@en ;
skos:note "Ich bin eine Testnotiz"@de, "Ich auch"@de, "I am a test note"@en, "me too"@en.

:map a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Karte"@de, "Map"@en .

:portal a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Portal"@de, "Web Portal"@en .

:questionnaire a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Fragebogen"@de, "Questionnaire"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "auch Rechercheauftrag und WebQuest"@de, "also research assignment and WebQuest"@en .

:script a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Skript"@de, "Script"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "zum Beispiel Vorlesungsskript"@de, "for example lecture notes"@en .

:simulation a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:relatedMatch <> ;
skos:prefLabel "Simulation"@de, "Simulation"@en ;
skos:historyNote "Kam irgendwann später dazu"@de, "Ehrlich? Wann?"@de, "Schau doch in die commit-Historie"@de .

:slide a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:broadMatch <> ;
skos:prefLabel "Präsentation"@de, "Presentation"@en .

:text a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:related :worksheet, :slide, :script, :questionnaire, :lesson_plan, :assessment ;
skos:prefLabel "Textdokument"@de, "Text"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "zum Beispiel Artikel, Aufsatz, Abhandlung"@de, "for example article, essay"@en .

:textbook a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Lehrbuch"@de, "Textbook"@en .

:video a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:closeMatch <> ;
skos:prefLabel "Video"@de, "Video"@en .

:web_page a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:related :portal ;
skos:prefLabel "Webseite"@de, "Web Page"@en .

:worksheet a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:exactMatch <> ;
skos:prefLabel "Arbeitsmaterial"@de, "work material"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "zum Beispiel Arbeitsblatt"@de , "for example work sheet"@en.

:other a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf : ;
skos:prefLabel "Sonstiges"@de, "Other"@en .
skos:hasTopConcept <application>, <assessment>, <audio>, <case_study>, <course>, <data>, <diagram>,
<drill_and_practice>, <educational_game>, <experiment>, <image>, <index>, <lesson_plan>, <map>,
<portal>, <questionnaire>, <script>, <sheet_music>, <simulation>, <slide>, <text>, <textbook>, <video>, <web_page>,
<worksheet>, <other> .

<application> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Softwareanwendung"@de, "Software Application"@en, "Computerprogramma"@nl, "Програмне забезпечення"@uk .

<assessment> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Lernkontrolle"@de, "Assessment"@en, "Evaluatie"@nl, "Оцінювання"@uk ;
skos:altLabel "Assessment"@de ;
skos:scopeNote "unter anderem (Selbst-)Tests"@de .

<audio> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Audio"@de, "Audio Recording"@en, "Audio"@nl, "Аудіозапис"@uk ;
skos:altLabel "Tonaufnahme"@de, "Звукозапис"@uk .

<case_study> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Fallstudie"@de, "Case Study"@en, "Casestudy"@nl, "Приклад"@uk .

<course> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Kurs"@de, "Course"@en, "Cursus"@nl, "Курс"@uk .

<data> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Daten"@de, "Data"@en, "Gegevens"@nl, "Дані"@uk ;
skos:scopeNote "unter anderem Roh- oder Beispieldaten"@de, "amongst others raw and example data"@en, "onder andere ruwe gegevens en voorbeeldgegevens"@nl, "включно з необробленими даними та зразками"@uk .

<diagram> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Diagramm"@de, "Diagram"@en, "Diagram"@nl, "Діаграма"@uk ;
skos:altLabel "Grafik"@de, "Графіка"@uk .

<drill_and_practice> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Übung"@de, "Drill and Practice"@en, "Oefening"@nl, "Практика"@uk .

<educational_game> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Lernspiel"@de, "Game"@en, "Educatief Spel"@nl, "Навчальна гра"@uk .

<experiment> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Experiment"@de, "Experiment"@en, "Experiment"@nl, "Експеримент"@uk .

<image> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Abbildung"@de, "Image"@en, "Afbeelding"@nl, "Ілюстрація"@uk ;
skos:altLabel "Bild"@de, "Зображення"@uk ;
skos:scopeNote "Fotos, Grafiken und sonstige Bilder"@de, "photos, graphics, and other images"@en, "foto's, illustraties en andere afbeeldingen"@nl, "Фотографії, графіки та інші зображення"@uk .

<index> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Nachschlagewerk"@de, "Reference Work"@en, "Naslagwerk"@nl, "Довідник"@uk ;
skos:scopeNote "zum Beispiel Glossar, Enzyklopädie, Lexikon"@de, "e.g.glossary, encyclopedia, dictionary"@en, "bijvoorbeeld woordenlijst, encyclopedie, lexicon"@nl, "наприклад, глосарій, енциклопедія, словник"@uk .

<lesson_plan> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Unterrichtsplanung"@de, "Lesson Plan"@en, "Lesplan"@nl, "План уроку"@uk .

<map> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Karte"@de, "Map"@en, "Kaart"@nl, "Мапа"@uk .

<portal> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Portal"@de, "Web Portal"@en, "Internetportaal"@nl, "Портал"@uk .

<questionnaire> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Fragebogen"@de, "Questionnaire"@en, "Vragenlijst"@nl, "Анкета"@uk ;
skos:scopeNote "auch Rechercheauftrag und WebQuest"@de, "also research assignment and WebQuest"@en, "ook onderzoeksopdracht en WebQuest"@nl, "також дослідницьке завдання та веб-квест"@uk .

<script> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Skript"@de, "Script"@en, "Script"@nl, "Запис"@uk ;
skos:scopeNote "zum Beispiel Vorlesungsskript"@de, "for example lecture notes"@en, "bijvoorbeeld collegedictaten"@nl, "наприклад конспект лекцій"@uk .

<sheet_music> a skos:Concept ;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Musiknoten"@de, "Sheet Music"@en, "Bladmuziek"@nl, "Ноти"@uk .

<simulation> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Simulation"@de, "Simulation"@en, "Simulatie"@nl, "Симуляція"@uk .

<slide> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Präsentation"@de, "Presentation"@en, "Presentatie"@nl, "Презентація"@uk .

<text> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Textdokument"@de, "Text"@en, "Tekst"@nl, "Текстовий документ"@uk ;
skos:scopeNote "zum Beispiel Artikel, Aufsatz, Abhandlung"@de, "for example article, essay"@en, "bijvoorbeeld artikel, opstel, verhandeling"@nl, "наприклад, стаття, есе, трактат"@uk .

<textbook> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Lehrbuch"@de, "Textbook"@en, "Studieboek"@nl, "Підручник"@uk .

<video> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Video"@de, "Video"@en, "Video"@nl, "Відео"@uk .

<web_page> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Webseite"@de, "Web Page"@en, "Webpagina"@nl, "Веб-сайт"@uk .

<worksheet> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Arbeitsmaterial"@de, "Worksheet"@en, "Werkblad"@nl, "Робочий матеріал"@uk ;
skos:scopeNote "zum Beispiel Arbeitsblatt"@de, "наприклад робочий аркуш"@uk .

<other> a skos:Concept;
skos:topConceptOf <scheme> ;
skos:prefLabel "Sonstiges"@de, "Other"@en, "Overigen"@nl, "Різне"@uk .

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