Inspired by:
- Install Kubectl
- Install Kind
- Install docker
- Create cluster:
## Verify local registy is working
docker pull
docker tag localhost:5001/hello-app:1.0
docker push localhost:5001/hello-app:1.0
kubectl create deployment hello-server --image=localhost:5001/hello-app:1.0
## Verify deployment comes up
kubectl delete deployment hello-server
- Create webhook TLS artifacts
- Update mutating webhook manifest
## Copy this output and paste into manifest CaBundle section
cat ca.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n'
- Apply mutating webhook
kubectl apply -f manifests/mutatig-webhook.yaml
- Build Container and deploy
docker build -t localhost:5001/demo:1.0.0 -f Dockerfile .
docker push localhost:5001/demo:1.0.0
- Test webhook
kubectl apply -f manifests/test