.Net Standard 2.0 implementation of the TestRail API.
var client = new TestRailClient("https://[your-organization].testrail.io", username, password);
var project = client.GetProjects().First();
var runs = client.GetRuns(project.ID);
var suite = client.GetSuites(project.ID).First();
var cases = client.GetCases(project.ID, suite.ID);
for (var case in cases) {
Console.WriteLine($"Test Case {case.ID}: {case.Title}");
Solution was built using Visual Studio 2017 (make sure you have the latest version).
- pull latest
- update the TestRail.csproj file with the new
andRelease Notes
- commit and push changes
- pull new code (just for sanity)
- restore nuget dependencies:
.nuget\nuget.exe restore
- rebuild the project using MS Build with the following command:
msbuild /t:pack /p:Configuration=Release
- Make sure that you have msbuild in your path
- The new .nupkg file will be in the
NuGet push TestRail.<version>.nupkg