This repository contains javascript console for acryl blockchain. It is built on top of jsconsole and have predefined functions to work with acryl
Console uses acryl-transactions library. Top level library functions are bound to console global scope. The difference is that in console, seed argument is equal to env.SEED by default. You need to pass null explicitly if you only want to create transaction and not to sign it E.x.:
const signedTx = transfer({amount: 100, recipient: '3MyAGEBuZGDKZDzYn6sbh2noqk9uYHy4kjw', senderPublicKey: '8ViwGfvyyN1teUKV4Uvk2orK6XiYB4S4VuM2DqJ9Mj5b'}, null)
//returns tx with no proofs
"type": 4,
"version": 2,
"fee": 100000,
"senderPublicKey": "8ViwGfvyyN1teUKV4Uvk2orK6XiYB4S4VuM2DqJ9Mj5b",
"timestamp": 1542640481876,
"proofs": [],
"id": "CveeKH16XQcshV5GZP2RXppg3snxcKqRsM4wE5gxcuzc",
"chainId": "K",
"amount": 100,
"recipient": "3MyAGEBuZGDKZDzYn6sbh2noqk9uYHy4kjw"
Broadcast signed tx using node from global variable
const resp = await broadcast(signedTx)
Deploy current open contract using node from global variable
const resp = deploy()
Sign arbitrary transaction
const tx = transfer({amount: 100, recipient: '3MyAGEBuZGDKZDzYn6sbh2noqk9uYHy4kjw', senderPublicKey: '8ViwGfvyyN1teUKV4Uvk2orK6XiYB4S4VuM2DqJ9Mj5b'}, null)
const signedTx = signTx(tx)
Compile contract. Returns base64
const compiled = compile(contractText)
Get contract text by tab name. Used inside web-ide or vscode plugin
const contractText = file(tabName)
Get contract text from currently open tab. Used inside web-ide or vscode plugin
const contractText = contract()
address(seed = env.SEED) // Address from seed.
keyPair(seed = env.SEED) // Keypair from seed
publicKey(seed = env.SEED) // Public key from seed
privateKey(seed = env.SEED) // Private key from seed
env.SEED // Default seed
env.CHAIN_ID // Default network byte
env.API_BASE // Node url
env.editors // Open editor tabs info
npm start
Starts dev server
import * as React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import {Repl} from 'acryl-repl';
class App extends React.Component {
public consoleRef = React.createRef<Repl>();
// Get console instance
const console = this.consoleRef.current!;
// Access to console api
(global as any)['updateEnv'] = console.updateEnv;
(global as any)['API'] = console.API;
(global as any)['methods'] = console.methods;
(global as any)['updateEnv']({
SEED: 'abracadabra',
file: () => 'Placeholder file content'
return <Repl theme="dark" ref={this.consoleRef}/>
render(<App/>, document.getElementById('root'));