This software aims to reconstruct brain relaxometry T1 and T2 phantom images based on a well structured anatomical brain model (MNI152). Please see the Reference section to correctly cite the project.
Remember that this is an open-source project under GNU license. Your are free to download, use, share and develop with other people. If any trouble occur in the reconstruction process, please send me an email.
Simply download this repository (.zip or .tar.gz formats), extract it on a desired folder path, and run the script phantom-build. If you want to change the simulation parameters, simply change the header section in the phantom-build script file. You can edit it on any text editor, such as Notepad or Gedit. Please, choose those parameters wisely.
Note: Make sure that the script files have permission to execute. To make sure of it, you can change the file permissions using the following terminal command:
chmod u+x <script>
Where <script>
is the script file that you want to change the permissions.
More details about this repository is found in the website:
If RelaxoPhantom was useful to your study, please cite the paper:
Senra Filho, A. C. da S. (2016). Volumetric T1 and T2 magnetic resonance brain toolkit for relaxometry mapping simulation. Research on Biomedical Engineering, 32(3), 301–305.