This page is no longer being updated due to a lack of reliable data. While we continue to surface this content for archival purposes, we recommend that you visit more regularly updated resources, such as from the CDC.
COVID data pipeline / API supporting
It ingests data scraped via, combines it, calculates metrics, and generates data files for the Covid Act Now API and website
Detailed setup instructions can be found here.
Normally the pipeline is run via github actions on a beefy cloud VM and still takes 2+ hours. When developing locally it is often useful to run the pipeline on a subset of locations ond/or to skip pipeline steps.
To run the pipeline end-to-end but only generate data for Connecticut state / counties, you can run:
# Fetches latest scraped data from can-scrapers and combines all data sources
# into a combined dataset, runs all filters, etc. Adding --no-refresh-datasets
# will make this much faster but skips fetching / combining latest datasets.
./ data update --states CT
# Runs the pyseir code to generate the infection rate, i.e. r(t) metric data for locations.
python ./pyseir/ build-all --states=CT
# Runs the API generation
./ api generate-api-v2 --state CT output -o output/api
# API files are generated to output/api.
If you just want to run the API generation you can skip the first two steps above by downloading the pyseir model results from a previous snapshot. You can download the pyseir model output from a recent github action run with:
./ utils download-model-artifact
By default it downloads the last run, but you can choose a specific run with --run-number
PySEIR provides a command line interface in the activated environment. You can access the model with pyseir --help
and pyseir <subcommand> --help
providing more information.
pyseir build-all --states="NY"
will run state and county models for New York.
States can also be specified by their state code: --states="New York"
and --states=NY
are equivalent.
pyseir build-all --states=NY --fips=36061
will run the New York state model and the model for the specified
FIPS code (in this case New York City).
Check the output/
folder for results.
There are a variety of output artifacts to paths described in pyseir/
The main artifact is the ensemble_result which contains the output information
for each suppression policy -> model compartment
as well as capacity
We host an API documentation site available in api/docs. It is a static site built using Docusaurus 2.
Additionally, we define the API output using pydantic schemas and generate Open API specs (default output api/docs/open_api_schema.json and json-schema outputs (default output api/schemas_v2/.
When modifying the API schema, run ./ api update-schemas
to update the schemas.
Build environment:
$ cd api/docs
$ yarn
Start server locally:
$ cd api/docs
$ yarn start
Deploy update to
$ tools/