38 Merge Requests in this release:
- !165 - Documentation update
- !164 - fix bug in intersectionEstimate of CylinderSurface
- !163 - define ACTS compiler and linker options
- !161 - remove debug option in MaterialPlugin
- !160 - removing std::move statements
- !159 - Acts 145 create v0to v3 generic detector
- !158 - Acts 143 speed optimisation intersection
- !156 - add a contribution guide
- !155 - Enables multi-ring detector in first form
- !154 - units and conversions
- !153 - Acts 121 material plugin doc
- !152 - make MaterialPlugin root independent
- !151 - Acts 72 material mapping
- !150 - avoid accessing moved unique_ptr in output
- !149 - corrected namespace to Acts
- !148 - consistent code style is important
- !147 - simplify setup of ACTS environment
- !146 - cmake find_package options should be respected
- !145 - remove obsolete MSG_* macros
- !144 - unique pointers for loggers
- !143 - Fix duplicate commit
- !141 - Revert "Merge branch 'ACTS-115_Allow_Multi_Ring_Structure' into 'master'"
- !140 - Fix typo.
- !139 - Acts 115 allow multi ring structure
- !138 - convenience methods for parameter ID to index mapping
- !137 - set flag to resolve boundary and material
- !136 - convenience access to parameter uncertainty
- !134 - Acts 72 material mapping
- !133 - First version of KalmanFitter
- !132 - Acts 118 dd4hep logging
- !131 - corrections to TGeo length conversion
- !130 - Acts 117 t geo length unit
- !129 - correct treatment of surface ownership
- !128 - provide functions to stream measurements to output
- !127 - provide access to surface representing the beam pipe
- !126 - fix cmake configuration for unit tests
- !125 - First version of GeometryID
- !124 - ACTS-106 geometry cleanup and doxygen