This is a c extension for Ruby to access TokyoTyrant databases. It currently supports key/value, table databases and table queries.
# install tokyocabinet (1.4.47) and tokyotyrant (requires 1.1.41) # after installing tc and tt on linux I had to /sbin/ldconfig (as root) sudo gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc ruby-tokyotyrant
This is not in production but the initial benchmarks are very interesting. Results look closer to the memcached gem than any other tyrant client I’ve seen for Ruby.
Key/Value Store:
Table Store:
Bulk Operations:
Bulk Table Operations:
# start tyrant like so: # ttserver example.tch require 'tokyo_tyrant' db ='', 1978) db['foo'] = 'Bar' # => "Bar" db['foo'] # => "Bar" db.each{ |k,v| puts [k, v].inspect } # ["foo", "Bar"] # => nil db.mput("1"=>"number_1", "2"=>"number_2", "3"=>"number_3", "4"=>"number_4", "5"=>"number_5") db.mget(1..3) # => {"1"=>"number_1", "2"=>"number_2", "3"=>"number_3"}
# start tyrant like so: # ttserver example.tcb require 'tokyo_tyrant' bdb ='', 1978) bdb.putdup('foo', 'bar') # => true bdb.putlist({ 'foo' => ['baz', 'bat']}) # => [] bdb.getlist('foo') # => {"foo"=>["bar", "baz", "bat"]} bdb.each{ |k,v| puts [k, v].inspect } # ["foo", "bar"] # ["foo", "baz"] # ["foo", "bat"]
# start tyrant like so: # ttserver example.tct require 'tokyo_tyrant' t ='', 1978) t['bar'] = { :baz => 'box' } # => { :baz => 'box' } t['bar'] # => { :baz => 'box' } t.each{ |k,v| puts [k, v].inspect } # ["bar", {:baz=>"box"}] # => nil # bulk operations h = {} 100.times do |i| h[i] = { :name => 'Pat', :sex => i % 2 > 0 ? 'male' : 'female' } end t.mput(h) t.mget(0..3) # => {"0"=>{:name=>"Pat", :sex=>"female"}, "1"=>{:name=>"Pat", :sex=>"male"}, "2"=>{:name=>"Pat", :sex=>"female"}, "3"=>{:name=>"Pat", :sex=>"male"}}
require 'tokyo_tyrant' t ='', 1978) 100.times do |i| t[i] = { 'name' => "Pat #{i}", 'sex' => i % 2 > 0 ? 'male' : 'female' } end q = t.query q.condition('sex', :streq, 'male') q.limit(5) # Get a list of IDs ids = # => ["1", "3", "5", "7", "9"] q.order_by(:name, :strdesc) ids = # => ["99", "97", "95", "93", "91"] # Get the actual records q.get # => [{:__id=>"99", :sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 99"}, {:__id=>"97", :sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 97"}, {:__id=>"95", :sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 95"}, {:__id=>"93", :sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 93"}, {:__id=>"91", :sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 91"}] # Alternative Syntax (better) # Query using a block t.query{ |q| q.condition('sex', :streq, 'male') q.limit(5) } # => ["1", "3", "5", "7", "9"] # Get records for a query t.find{ |q| q.condition('sex', :streq, 'male') q.limit(5) } # => [{:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 1", :__id=>"1"}, {:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 3", :__id=>"3"}, {:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 5", :__id=>"5"}, {:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 7", :__id=>"7"}, {:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 9", :__id=>"9"}] # Prepare but don't run a search, return a prepared query object q = t.prepare_query{ |q| q.condition('sex', :streq, 'male') q.limit(5) } # => #<TokyoTyrant::Query:0x247c14 @rdb=#<Object:0x2800a0>, @rdbquery=#<Object:0x247c00>> # => ["1", "3", "5", "7", "9"] q.get # => [{:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 1", :__id=>"1"}, {:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 3", :__id=>"3"}, {:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 5", :__id=>"5"}, {:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 7", :__id=>"7"}, {:sex=>"male", :name=>"Pat 9", :__id=>"9"}]
require 'tokyo_tyrant' require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' t ='', 1978) (1..13).each do |n| doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("{n}.htm")) chapter = doc.css('h2').last.inner_text.gsub(/\n/, '').gsub(/ +/, ' ').strip doc.css('p').each_with_index do |paragraph, i| paragraph = paragraph.inner_text.gsub(/\n/, '').gsub(/ +/, ' ').strip key = "chapter:#{n}:paragraph:#{i+1}" t[key] = { :chapter => chapter, :paragraph => paragraph } end end # full-text search with the phrase of t.query{ |q| q.condition(:paragraph, :fts, 'rebirth') } # => ["chapter:13:paragraph:4", "chapter:13:paragraph:5", "chapter:13:paragraph:7", "chapter:13:paragraph:19", "chapter:13:paragraph:27", "chapter:13:paragraph:44", "chapter:13:paragraph:57", "chapter:13:paragraph:69", "chapter:13:paragraph:125"] # full-text search with all tokens in t.query{ |q| q.condition(:paragraph, :ftsand, 'logos word') } # => ["chapter:1:paragraph:12", "chapter:1:paragraph:14", "chapter:1:paragraph:17", "chapter:1:paragraph:19", "chapter:1:paragraph:24", "chapter:1:paragraph:27", "chapter:1:paragraph:43", "chapter:1:paragraph:53", "... lots more ..."] # full-text search with at least one token in t.query{ |q| q.condition(:paragraph, :ftsor, 'sermon key') } # => ["chapter:5:paragraph:1", "chapter:9:paragraph:3", "chapter:10:paragraph:1", "chapter:10:paragraph:4", "chapter:10:paragraph:28", "chapter:11:paragraph:3", "chapter:11:paragraph:66", "chapter:11:paragraph:69", "... lots more ..."] # negated full-text search with at least one token in t.query{ |q| q.condition(:paragraph, '!ftsor', 'the god he and I that said') } # => ["chapter:1:paragraph:95", "chapter:1:paragraph:96", "chapter:1:paragraph:97", "chapter:1:paragraph:98", "chapter:1:paragraph:99", "chapter:2:paragraph:3", "chapter:2:paragraph:5", "chapter:2:paragraph:6", "... lots more ..."]
query1 = t.prepare_query{ |q| q.condition(:paragraph, :fts, 'rebirth') } query2 = t.prepare_query{ |q| q.condition(:paragraph, :fts, 'logos') } # Get the union of two query sets (OR), query1, query2) # => ["chapter:13:paragraph:4", "chapter:13:paragraph:5", "chapter:13:paragraph:7", "chapter:13:paragraph:19", "chapter:13:paragraph:27", "chapter:13:paragraph:44", "chapter:13:paragraph:57", "... lots more ..."] # Get the intersection of two query sets (AND), query1, query2) # => ["chapter:13:paragraph:5", "chapter:13:paragraph:44", "chapter:13:paragraph:69"] # Get the difference of two query sets (ANDNOT), query1, query2) # => ["chapter:13:paragraph:4", "chapter:13:paragraph:7", "chapter:13:paragraph:19", "chapter:13:paragraph:27", "chapter:13:paragraph:57", "chapter:13:paragraph:125"]
require 'tokyo_tyrant' require 'faker' tyrants = { 1 =>'', 1978), 2 =>'', 1979) } # dummy data tyrants.each{ |account_id, table| table.clear 20.times do |i| table["#{account_id}/#{i}"] = { # consistent hashing would be good here :name =>, :plan => rand(3), } end } queries = tyrants.collect{ |account_id, table| table.prepare_query{ |q| q.condition 'plan', :numlt, '1' } } TokyoTyrant::Query.parallel_search(*queries).collect{ |r| {r[""] => r["name"]} } # => [{"1/3"=>"Zemlak-Jerde"}, {"1/6"=>"O'Conner-Batz"}, {"1/9"=>"Kutch, Erdman and Aufderhar"}, {"1/11"=>"Bartoletti, Armstrong and Barrows"}, {"1/12"=>"Ferry-Dicki"}, {"2/0"=>"Schultz-O'Hara"}, {"2/1"=>"Emmerich, Feest and Huels"}, {"2/2"=>"Borer and Sons"}, {"2/3"=>"D'Amore Inc"}, {"2/5"=>"Koch and Sons"}, {"2/8"=>"Schaefer Group"}, {"2/11"=>"Stroman, Toy and Abernathy"}, {"2/19"=>"Gaylord, Reinger and White"}]
# ttserver -ext spec/ext.lua require 'tokyo_tyrant' t ='', 1978), 'hello', 'world') # => "hello\tworld"
# usage is similar to single node require 'tokyo_tyrant/balancer' servers = ['', '', '', ''] tb = # store server is determined by key which is consistent tb[:foo] = { 'foo' => 'bar' } tb[:bar] = { 'bar' => 'baz' } # retrieval server is determined by key which is consistent tb[:foo] # => { 'foo' => 'bar' } # aggregate from all nodes tb.size # parallel_search based querying across all nodes tb.find{ |q| q.condition(:foo, :streq, 'bar') }
Flinn Mueller (actsasflinn) author/maintainer
??? (gottlike) ruby 1.9.2 compatibility
Justin Reagor (cheapRoc) specs
Seth Yates (sethyates) run method (lua ext)
John Mettraux (jmettraux) inspiration (rufus-tokyo)