Currency exchange application for Revolut task.
yarn install
yarn start:web
- runs the Web version of the app in the development mode -
yarn build:web
- builds the Web version of the app for production to the dist-web folder -
yarn start:ios
- runs the iOS version of the app and attempts to open in the iOS Simulator if you're on a Mac and have it installed -
yarn start:android
- runs the Android version of the app and attempts to open your app on a connected Android device or emulator -
yarn start:windows
- runs the Windows version of the app -
yarn start:rn-dev-server
- runs react native (RN) development server -
yarn start:next
- runs Next.js server -
yarn test
– runs the tests using Jest and Enzyme
Created by create-rx-app@0.6.4
- Typescript
- Babel
- Webpack
- React
- ReactXP
- Redux
- Redux Saga
- Redux Persist
- DayJS
- React Native
- Jest
- Enzyme
- Next.js (API proxy and simple SSR)
- Material Icons (by SVG)
- ECB (XML parsing)
- Open Exchange Rates (JSON parsing)
- CSS in JS
- Debounce
- Animation loop for wallet items rotation with Matrix 3D transformations
- Slider (Paged Slider aka Page Control for iOS)
- React Navigation Stack for Web (copied from React Navigation)
- Particles cloud (Floating bubbles)
- Validate rates by timestamp (some diff when rates fetching is not possible)