This branch contains our system for the Surface Realisation Shared Task 2020. The 2019 version of our system can be found on the srst2019 branch.
To train a model for a given language on the SRST2019 train and dev datasets and then host it on a given port:
lang=en; python surface/ --model_file models/$lang.bin --train_files data/T1-train/${lang}_* --test_files data/T1-test/${lang}_* data/T1-dev/${lang}_* --port 4780
Note that you have to specify the test files also so that the vocabulary of the grammar can include them, as there is currently no treatment for OOVs.
To load a pretrained model and host it, run the same command without specifying input files:
lang=en; python surface/ --model_file models/$lang.bin --port 4780
Running surface realization for a given language:
lang=en; for fn in data/T1-test/${lang}_*; do f=`basename $fn | cut -d'.' -f1`; echo $f; mkdir -p gen/$f; python surface/ --gen_dir gen/$f --test_file $fn --output_file output/$f.conllu --timeout 120 --port 4780; done &> log/20201016_${lang}_test.log &