Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_LSM9DS0_Library
Releases · adafruit/Adafruit_LSM9DS0_Library
2.0.3 - Updated CI Actions versions
Update CI action versions
2.0.2 - Fixed doxygen index page, fully documented library
2.0.1 - Update example, remove travis
Thanks to @shantanoo-desai for the contribution
2.0.0 - BREAKING CHANGE gyro and magnetometer units changed
This release includes two breaking changes:
- the magnetometer units was updated to use the SI units of microTesla
- The gyro units were updated to use the SI units of Radians/second
Added travis config and dependancies
Fix repeated start bug with Due
Fix repeated start bug with Due
Added temperature conversion to guesstimate degrees C
1.0.0 release for Arduino
Automated initial release for Arduino library system.