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add new T&F dependent styles and style updates
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Create the-saudi-journal-for-dental-research.csl

Non-standard journal with slight changes to the vancouver style. This file does not have an eissn.

Create journal-of-science-and-medicine-in-sport.csl

Non-standard journal with slight changes to the vancouver style.

Journal of Neurochemistry

Style for Journal of Neurochemistry

Update journal-of-neurochemistry.csl

There is a problem with validation. I must admit that I do not know how to solve this problem. If I want in citation enter term et al. with italics, I believe that I can now save it in only one way - by adding an entry <et-al font-style = "italic" prefix = "" />, but this line is reported as an error.

Update journal-of-neurochemistry.csl

Create universita-pontificia-salesiana-italian.csl

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-italian.csl

Deleted an unused macro.

Update and rename universita-pontificia-salesiana-italian.csl to universita-pontificia-salesiana-it.csl

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-it.csl

Add documentation link

Update anticancer-research.csl


Create journal-of-retailing.csl

I checked current articles which are indeed looking like the same style as the Journal of Interactive Marketing except the rendering of the issue number ( ). However, the citation style guide which is under the documentation link looks differently in some details (not italics, order of editors for chapter and conference paper, comma/point after author names and year). @grnathan2000 : It is an Elsevier journal; do you know anything about this citation style and/or the style guide?

Update journal-of-retailing.csl

Update the-journal-of-roman-studies.csl

 * correct sort order in bibliography (delete the other two options completely since "disambiguate-add-year-suffix" is true)
 * add short title

Update the-journal-of-roman-studies.csl


Create australian-critical-care.csl

Elsevier journal with reference style with slight changes to the Vancouver style.

Create seizure-european-journal-of-epilepsy.csl

Elsevier journal with reference style with slight changes to the Vancouver style.

Create neuroimaging-clinics-of-north-america.csl

Elsevier journal with reference style with slight changes to the Vancouver style.

Create journal-of-infection.csl

Elsevier journal with reference style with slight changes to the Vancouver style.

Update mcgill-en.csl

Changed spacing for legal_case

Update mcgill-en.csl

More slight changes to spacing for render-case

Create journal-of-peptide-science.csl

Update journal-of-peptide-science.csl

fix patent for RSC

significant fixes for FEMS

redirect Journal of Anthropological Archaeology to Elsevier Harvard 2

Create american-marketing-association.csl from journal-of-marketing.csl

 * rename journal-of-marketing.csl into american-marketing-association.csl
 * add an space between volume and issue
 * comma before "and" only if there are more than two authors
 * make the dependent style link from the journal-of-marketing.csl
 * add journal-of-international-marketing.csl
 * add journal-of-marketing-research.csl
 * add journal-of-public-policy-and-marketing.csl
 * update temple link from law-and-society-review.csl

fix the astrophysical journal

no comma before "and" in RSC

Create universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csluniversita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl

Rename universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csluniversita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl to universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl

Create universita-pontificia-salesiana-es.csl

Create universita-pontificia-salesiana-fr.csl

Create universita-pontificia-salesiana-pt-br.csl

Create ministry-of-education-and-training-Vietnam-English-FSH.csl

Style for Vietnamese students and researcher, who write their thesis in Vietnam Universities

Update ministry-of-education-and-training-Vietnam-English-FSH.csl

Update ministry-of-education-and-training-Vietnam-English-FSH.csl

Update ministry-of-education-and-training-Vietnam-English-FSH.csl

Update and rename ministry-of-education-and-training-Vietnam-English-FSH.csl to vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training.csl

Update and rename vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training.csl to vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-english-name.csl

Adding "English name" to the end of the style and specify the localization override

Update and rename vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-english-name.csl to vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-en.csl

Please add this new style for Exercer

Update exercer.csl

Corrections made :
- Rights rewrited : <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
- Title modification: <title>exercer (French)</title>
- English and German locale sections removed
- Documentation link <link href="" rel="documentation"/> removed
- ISSN ascended

Update american-marketing-association.csl

Add comma between author-year and locator

Create universita-pontificia-salesiana.csl

The dependent styles of universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl are not working; they are using the en-US locale (default in the parent), and not their own default locale (that should override the parent's default-locale according to and but it's not happening).
I don't know if this is a bug, but I'm trying another solution: a "general" UPS style, without default-locale, and the dependent styles with their own locale.
I'll change the link in "independent-parent" of the dependent styles later.

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana.csl

Added a note in the summary as requested:

Update revue-archeologique-du-centre-de-la-france.csl

After some corrections due to users remarks.
The final version of this style validate by the secretariat editing of the RACF

Update and rename universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl to dependent/universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-es.csl

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-fr.csl

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-pt-br.csl

Create vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-vietnamese-name.csl

Vietnam ministry of education and training style for Vietnamese name, online guide from VDIC:

Update and rename vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-vietnamese-name.csl to vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-vi.csl

Update vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-vi.csl

Add Ref link to the template style

Update vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-vi.csl

Update journal-of-peptide-science.csl

fix two issues in SAA

Update and rename dependent/universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl to universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl

Update and rename dependent/universita-pontificia-salesiana-pt-br.csl to universita-pontificia-salesiana-pt-br.csl

Update and rename dependent/universita-pontificia-salesiana-es.csl to universita-pontificia-salesiana-es.csl

Update and rename dependent/universita-pontificia-salesiana-fr.csl to universita-pontificia-salesiana-fr.csl

Update revue-archeologique.csl

Changes in font format for et-al / adding URL layout

Update styles-updater URL

Create harvard-universiti-tunku-abdul-rahman.csl

Create ETS-Auteur-date(v4).csl

Update and rename ETS-Auteur-date(v4).csl to ets-auteur-date-v4.csl

Update ets-auteur-date-v4.csl

Update ets-auteur-date-v4.csl

Update ets-auteur-date-v4.csl

Update ets-auteur-date-v4.csl

Update and rename ets-auteur-date-v4.csl to ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl.csl

Rename ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl.csl to ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

Update ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

Update ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

Update ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

Rename ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl to ets-ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

add Harvard Bournemouth

add Manchester Metropolitan Harvard

Update harvard-institut-fur-praxisforschung-de.csl

Create journal-of-endodontics.csl

Elsevier non-standard journal with slight changes to the vancouver style.

Create international-journal-of-infectious-diseases.csl

Elsevier non-standard journal with slight changes to the vancouver style.

Create journal-of-minimally-invasive-gynecology.csl

Elsevier non-standard journal with slight changes to the vancouver style.

Update ets-ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

add southampton Solent referencing style

add UWS Harvard

Render full title of first-reference legal cases

Create journal-of-phycology.csl


Create phycological-research.csl

Improve localization of Harvard - Cardiff Uni

fix Harvard Bournemouth webpage appearance

Create new-testament-studies.csl

Update journal-of-industrial-ecology.csl

Fix et-al term (I checked the style guide and current articles), see

use contextual delim-precedes-last for Amer Sociol Assoc

Update emu-austral-ornithology.csl

 * number in a jounral article is bold
 * use full journal tiles
 * add report as seperate case
 * update link to the documentation


Create archiv-fur-die-civilistische-praxis.csl

Some issues in the style guide for this journal not implemented automatic but have to be handled manually, e.g. "Festschriften" should not mention editors (i.e. delete them manually), pages for journal article should maybe more fuzzy like "328 ff".

Update archiv-fur-die-civilistische-praxis.csl

Update obesity.csl


Update obesity.csl

Revert the changes except the new case for webpage.

replace hypertension research by corrected independent style

remove period after citation number and set RSC to flush insteand of margin

various fixes for Harvard Cite Them Right

add Uni Mainz Geographie

Create gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

Update gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

Now I solved the most problems, but the following 2 problems are not solved:

First: To alter „Hg. von“ into „Hg. v.“ (Under „locale“ I tried to create a new term „edited-by“, but this wasn’t useful (line 21)):


Second: The problem described on Nov. 04th:

R: I gave you wrong information. I want to realize the following two options (concerning bibliographic entries):

1.	Helms, Dietrich (2008). "What's the difference? Populäre Musik im System des Pop." In: PopMusicology. Perspektiven der Popmusikwissenschaft. (The latter titel is in italics!) Hg. v. Christian Bielefeldt, Udo Dahmen u. Rolf Großmann. Bielefeld: Transcript.
2.	Bielefeldt, Christian / Grossmann, Rolf / Dahmen, Udo (Hg.) (2008): PopMusicology. Perspektiven der Popmusikwissenschaft. (The latter titel is in italics!) Bielefeld: Transcript.

I have a problem with the editor names: I don't manage to divide the following two options: First: If the entry is a single book chapter or similar type, the editor names must appear after the title and in the order indicated above under (1.). Second: If the entry is the whole edited book, the editor names must appear before the title and in the order indicated above unter (2.).
Another problem is the delimiter "," in case (1.): I want to put the delimiter "u." only between the last two names. All names before must be divided with the delimiter ",".

Update gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

Update gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

Update gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

Now there remains only 1 error: (line 140) <label variable=" " form="short"/>"

The problem is: In citations I don't want to use a label in front of the page numbers!

Update gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

Dear all! Thanks a lot for your comments and aid! Now there are no errors, I think!

The only problem remaining is the "delimiter" in container titles: If the entry is a book chapter, I want to have the "u." only before the last editor name. All names before should be devided with ",". In the following examples the second version is the right one:

(1) Großmann, Rolf (2008). „Die Geburt des Pop aus dem Geist der phonographischen Reproduktion.“ In: PopMusicology: Perspektiven der Popmusikwissenschaft. Hg. v. Christian Bielefeldt u. Udo Dahmen u. Rolf Grossmann. Bielefeld: Transcript, S. 119–134.

(2) Großmann, Rolf (2008). „Die Geburt des Pop aus dem Geist der phonographischen Reproduktion.“ In: PopMusicology: Perspektiven der Popmusikwissenschaft. Hg. v. Christian Bielefeldt, Udo Dahmen u. Rolf Grossmann. Bielefeld: Transcript, S. 119–134.

Update gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

My last update with no errors, I believe.

Update gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

@zuphilip and @adam3smith: I changed all options concidering your suggestions two days ago. It seems to look very good now, and the validation didn't found any errors. Thanks a lot again!

Move the series title to the correct places (depends on the system used), add series editor, and add report number (8th ed.,,; and add extent of work (

A container-title is not a collection-title; revert part of last commit.

For reports, use number instead of collection-number and also display the collection-title.

Update gesellschaft-fur-popularmusikforschung.csl

I redefined the term "accessed" with "Zugang" in line 25 and changed details between line 72 and 75. The validation was successful. I hope you will accept the changes.

Create samples.cls

Asked in #1243

Rename samples.cls to samples.csl

Update studia-bas.csl

- added new type "report"

Update samples.csl

Add language "German" in title, see #1244. Thank you @rmzelle for reporting (and sorry for not seeing it during the pull request yesterday).

Create journal-of-applied-entomology.csl

Update journal-of-applied-entomology.csl

generic-base category removed

Update journal-of-applied-entomology.csl

Corrected ISSN and EISSN.
Added short tittle

Update journal-of-applied-entomology.csl

"tittle" corrected in "title"
default-locale="en-UK" in "en-GB"

Update journal-of-applied-entomology.csl

Added self-link...
Excuse me. Doing too much things in the same time, I missed this point. Perhaps I should have wait next week to finish it quieter...

Create zeszyty-prawnicze-bas.csl

Update zeszyty-prawnicze-bas.csl

mastozoologia neotropical

Rename mastozoologia neotropical to mastozoologia-neotropical.csl

Update mastozoologia-neotropical.csl

Update mastozoologia-neotropical.csl

Update mastozoologia-neotropical.csl

Update mastozoologia-neotropical.csl

Create beitrage-zur-popularmusikforschung.csl

Asked in #1243

Remove an annoying extra space

This change prevents an extra space from appearing before the period preceding the URL.

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana.csl

Add original-date

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-en.csl

Add original-date

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-es.csl

Add original-date

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-fr.csl

Add original-date

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-it.csl

Add original-date

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-pt-br.csl

Add original-date

Create microbiology-australia.csl

Update microbiology-australia.csl

Update microbiology-australia.csl

British locale

Updates the style to en-GB locale, and automatic single quotes, after request from @rmzelle and @adam3smith.

Update emu-austral-ornithology.csl

That will be my reference style for the first group in #1253 . Small changes according to the style guide and the sample issue for the journal.

add Harvard Edge Hill. Add "German" to Geo Uni Mainz

fix id, sorry

add health and social care in the community style

Chicago in French (author-date + fullnote)

Change default-locale from "fr" to "fr-FR"

Update american-society-of-civil-engineers.csl

Requested through email by Benjamin T. Adams.

Update international-journal-of-wildland-fire.csl

 * full journal title should appear
 * no page labels for inproceeding articles
 * issue number is not given
 * fix some spacing

I will take this style as a reference style for the 2nd group in #1253 .

add CSIRO dependent styles and remove independent duplicates. Thanks @zuphilip

add Harvard BIOSI, Brighton, Kent, and Vancouver Imperial College

Create journal-of-neurological-disorders.csl

Update journal-of-neurological-disorders.csl

Update journal-of-neurological-disorders.csl

Update acta-universitatis-agriculturae-sueciae.csl

Updated to match ACM template

Updated to better match ACM template guidelines at

Update pontifical-athenaeum-regina-apostolorum.csl

Corrected the ibid, adding a period according to university specifications.

Create sist02.csl

small fixes for Harvard Met

Update the-isme-journal.csl: ISMEJ uses and="text" for author-short

The author guideline says to use the ampersand (, but actually published papers use the text "and".

Create primary-care-clinics-in-office-practice.csl

Elsevier Nonstandard journal with slight changes to the vancouver style

Update primary-care-clinics-in-office-practice.csl

Changes made as per the instruction given.

small fix in BJC

fix dropping particles in free radical research

NJW (and other German law journals)

This style is based on the "Juristische Zitierweise (Stüber)" style by Oliver Wolf and Philipp Zumstein
    (, but the citation is adapted for the style of
    German law journals, such as NJW (Neue Juristische Wochenschrift), MMR (Multimedia und Recht) etc., as follows:
    - Citations are in-text. In German legal journals sometimes citations are used in footnotes, sometimes in-text,
      although the citation itself does not differ. With "in-text", you can choose for yourself and create the
      footnotes yourself using your word-processor if necessary.
    - Citations do not end with ".". The "." is obsolete for in-text citations. Furthermore, citations in German law
      journals are often accompanied by supplemental text and explanations.
    - Commentaries and handbooks should use publication type "entry-encyclopedia". See details below.
    - note that some law journals use slightly different citation

Changes after review

bibliography review comments have been disregarded for now. See comments in discussions.

renamed file

more changes after review

Renamed file

removed macro "edition-if-available"

and other changes after review

Added new behaviour for legal commentaries ...

using the fields series-editor and container-title

Changed to footnote style ...

and added reference to first citation in case of 2nd (or more) citation.

Update neue-juristische-wochenschrift.csl

deleted macro inbook, bugfixes

add bundle_cache to travis config

install nokogiri with system libs

skip nokogiri install

use Ruby 2.1.1 on travis

this versio nis currently pre-installed

disable bundle_cache

try to install nokogiri using system libraries

use Ruby 2.1.5

revert to Ruby 1.9.3 for testing

Use Ruby 2.1

Update harvard-cardiff-university.csl

[Journal of Biological Chemistry] Fix URL/DOI display
Also add Thesis and Letter support. Minor formatting fixes.

[Journal of Biological Chemistry] Fix second-field-align

Create beltz-padagogik.csl

Update beltz-padagogik.csl

Create international-journal-of-obstetric-anesthesia.csl

Elsevier Nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Update international-journal-of-obstetric-anesthesia.csl

Changes made as per the instruction given.

Create complementary-therapies-in-medicine.csl

Elsevier Nonstandard journal with slight changes to the vancouver style

Update complementary-therapies-in-medicine.csl

Changes made as per the instructions given.

Bundle update

Update rspec tests with transpec

Reindent/reorder styles

add @ekraichak 's IJPS style with some minor clean-up (also added author-substitute for bibliography).
closes #1275

fix chapters in PNAS

fix travis syntax

remove old error reporter

fix travis syntax

remove bundle_cache config

Create journal-of-sleep-research.csl

Update journal-of-sleep-research.csl

Update journal-of-sleep-research.csl

Update journal-of-sleep-research.csl

Update international-journal-of-plant-sciences.csl

Update zeitschrift-fur-deutsche-philologie.csl


Create cid-ens-de-lyon.csl

Update cid-ens-de-lyon.csl

Update and rename cid-ens-de-lyon.csl to ens-de-lyon-centre-d-ingenierie-documentaire.csl

Create Experimental-Dermatology.csl

This style is for the journal Experimental Dermatology. The description in the author guidelines are not really complete, but this style here covers references to books, journal articles and chapters in edited books.

Update and rename Experimental-Dermatology.csl to experimental-dermatology.csl

The following issues were solved:

-   provide a correct "documentation" link to the author guidelines
-   change <issn>1600-0625</issn> to <issn>0906-6705</issn> (see
-   add a "template" link that points to the CSL style you used to create this one (<link href="" rel="template"/>)
 -   change the file name from "Experimental-Dermatology.csl" to "experimental-dermatology.csl"

Update experimental-dermatology.csl

Update experimental-dermatology.csl

Found and corrected two formatting errors.

only abreviat journal titles for BMC

strip periods and remove Available at: in AMA

fix Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry; shouldn't use et al. Still needs to get fixed in utilities

Add style for Ithaque (per #1282)

updated MISQ style to set comma after edition or volume for books and book chapters

Update harvard-university-for-the-creative-arts.csl

Fix issue where two full stops appeared before the edition of books and dictionaries.

Italicise et al when referring to not just authors, - editors, directors, translators - which were previously written in normal font

added ISSN, corrected locator prefix/suffix

Create Wiley-book

This is a newly created style for references in a chapter of a book published by Wiley. Field - research. Template used to create this style - IEEE.

Update and rename Wiley-book to wiley-vch

Fixed capital letters

The only error I get at my home system is that
"independent style wiley-vch its template-link (if present) points to an existing independent style"
Is this even a failure? Hope it is not...

Rename wiley-vch to wiley-vch.csl

Update and rename wiley-vch.csl to wiley-vch-books.csl

Name changed to "Wiley-VCH books", default locale set to "en-US".

Add Mislav Marohnić's cached-bundle scripts


Get cached-bundle script to run

* Fix environment variables
* Fix script permissions
* Ignore script directory and files when checking against extra files

Clean up cached-bundle caching

* change bundle location
* remove cache archive after installation
* install nokogiri with system libraries again, if needed
* remove some redundant parameters on cached-bundle call

Update canadian-journal-of-fisheries-and-aquatic-sciences.csl

add issue number in parenthesis


Create applied-physiology-nutrition-and-metabolism.csl


New style for journal "Computer und Recht" (German)

cleaned up bibliography, added chapter

Edited accessed in american-sociological-association.csl to internationalise

Update padagogische-hochschule-vorarlberg.csl

Please update the few changes.
Karl Peböck

Added type chapter, fixed bibliography

now in line with style computer-und-recht.csl

New style for German law journal "Juristische Schulung" (JuS)

Style for German law journal "Kommunikation & Recht"

fixed validation error

Rename kommunikation-und-recht to kommunikation-und-recht.csl

Added chapter, fixed bibliography

now in line with computer-und-recht.csl

New style for German law journal GRUR

changed template to NJW, renamed file

changed template to NJW

Use form="short" on collection-title in notes for SBL style

Update journal-of-plant-nutrition-and-soil-science.csl

Updated in-text citation according to current JPNSS author guidelines, see:

Update journal-of-plant-nutrition-and-soil-science.csl

Right .. one obsolete line omitted.

The labels for secondary authors should not be abbreviated (3rd ed., Additionally, if there are both an editor and a translator, both be placed in the primary author position.

Unrelated, dictionary and encyclopedia entries should be formatted the same as book chapters (

If there are multiple roles in the author position, seperate them by a semicolon (3rd ed.,

fix ibid in Deutsche Sprache


This is a new style sheet for Elsevier nonstandard journal (Psychosomatics) with slight changes to the Vancouver style


This is a new style style for Elsevier nonstandard journal (Journal of Hospital Infection) with slight changes to the Vancouver style

create world-neurosurgery.csl

Elsevier nonstandard journal (World Neurosurgery) with slight changes to the Vancouver style.


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal (European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery) with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for a Elsevier nonstandard journal (surgical-clinics-of-north-america) with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Update vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-en.csl

Add support for citing a thesis. I forget to add it in the first place

Update vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-en.csl

Edit again


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Update vietnam-ministry-of-education-and-training-vi.csl

Add support for citing thesis

Update european-journal-of-paediatric-neurology.csl

Update juristische-schulung.csl

Replace Journal of chiropractic medicine with independent style

Closes #1224

Create revista-de-filologia-espannola.csl

Citational software does not have proper style for Spanish language journal on Spanish Language, Literature & Linguistics topic. The Revista de Filología Española is one of the most valued journals and its style is widely used outside in other publications.

Update and rename revista-de-filologia-espannola.csl to revista-de-filologia-espanola.csl

Cnages done as advised by S. Karcher

Update revista-de-filologia-espanola.csl

As asked by Zelle:

deleted one of the two <updated>
corrected the variable term="en" to variable="title"
Deleted the link out of <link /> element

Update revista-de-filologia-espanola.csl

Fixed line 138 to <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first"/>. However, why I can not use "en" as term value. en it is the very same proposition that English in, and looks much nicer when printing in a paper written in Spanish. In any case, thanks. I hoe I have como to the solution.


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Update us-geological-survey.csl

USGS Reports need to have the report type and number in the bibliography.  This edits changes the USGS style for reports to: Moix, M.W., Barks, C.S., and Funkhouser, J.E., 2003, Water quality and streamflow gains and losses of Osage and Prairie Creeks, Benton County, Arkansas, July 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4187, p. 35. (as an example).  Note that the report type ("Water-Resources Investigations Report") and number ("03-4187") are pulled into the citation.

Update us-geological-survey.csl


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Update zeitschrift-fur-medienwissenschaft.csl

Changes reflect modified style sheet of publisher

Update zeitschrift-fur-medienwissenschaft.csl

Added <title-short>, put comments in <summary> and added conditional to test for numeric or non-numeric collection-number.

Update pour-reussir-note.csl

- Removed the dot at the end of websites.
- Corrected name-as-sort-order with 3 editors or more.

Update pour-reussir-note.csl

Update pour-reussir-note.csl

Removed the empty suffixes

Test "sudo: false" to use new Travis infrastructure



Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Adds/modifies generated dependent styles from Elsevier.

Deletes independent styles that are implemented using dependent styles.

Deletes styles that got duplicated with a different style Id in the last Elsevier import.

Fixes renamed-styles.json.


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

update SBL to 2nd edition

fix environment and planning (it looks like the different journal may have different et als, so we may have to split them out as independents, but leaving this for another day.

one more fix to E&P I overlooked

Update peerj.csl

PeerJ requires full author citations in the bibliography.


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

some fixes to Harvard Cite Them Right

fix volume for chapters in SBL

fix SBL volumes, hopefully for real now.

Create journal-of-international-business-studies.csl

Style requested in . I just adapted as it was suggested in the forum:
<blockquote>Basically the only difference with Academy of Management Review is that the titles of books and journals should not be bold, only italicized.</blockquote>

Update journal-of-international-business-studies.csl

Update academy-of-management-review.csl

Ah, that is more complicated to read:

If a work has two authors, cite both names
every time the work is cited in the text. If the
work has more than two authors, cite all authors
the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent
citations of the same work, include only the sur-
name of the first author followed by “et al.” (not
underlined) and the year.

However, for works with six or more authors, use
only the surname of the first author followed by
et al. whenever the work is cited.

Thus, the citations are okay. However, there is no sentence about the et-al rule in bibliography. Therefore, I just changed it to the 6/5 setting (which should be consistent with the previous version, but be more logical csl). Okay?

Delete adjacent spaces in edition/edition pattern

Replacing the prefix/suffix adjacent spaces with group and one delimiter space, as described generally in #1301 . Search for this pattern here (70 hits in 70 files):

<[^/>]*"edition"[^/>]*suffix="[^"/>]* "[^/>]*/?>\s*\r\n\s*<[^/>]*"edition"[^/>]*prefix=" [^"/>]*"[^/>]*/?>

Every occurence here looks actually the same:

            <text variable="edition" suffix=" "/>
            <text term="edition" prefix=" "/>
which will then replaced by
          <group delimiter=" ">
            <text variable="edition"/>
            <text term="edition"/>

Delete adjacent spaces in edition/publisher pattern

Replacing the prefix/suffix adjacent spaces with group and one delimiter space, as described generally in #1301 . Search for this pattern here:

<[^/>]*"edition"[^/>]*suffix="[^"/>]* "[^/>]*/?>\s*\r\n\s*<[^/>]*"publisher"[^/>]*prefix=" [^"/>]*"[^/>]*/?>

Fix double space before "in" ("dans")

Fix double space before "in" ("dans")

Delete adjacent spaces in in/* pattern

Delete adjacent spaces in citation-number/* pattern

Delete adjacent spaces in author/* pattern

(I will create an independent pull request
for rapid-communications-in-mass-spectrometry.csl)

Delete adjacent spaces in title/* pattern

Update rapid-communications-in-mass-spectrometry.csl

This should improve the correct punctation in the style. I don't have any examples for `patent`, `thesis`, or `webpage`, but it seemed natural to fix it in this way. However, in these cases the `title` is renderd twice (which seems like an error) and I don't know which version is the correct one. Ping @hanvanzan

(I excluded this style from #1334, because it is too special)

Update rapid-communications-in-mass-spectrometry.csl

Create springer-fachzeitschriften-medizin-psychologie.csl

This is a general new German Springer style, see . Differences to ``:
 * It uses German terms like "Hrsg" and "S".
 * It follows the 5/3 et al rule.
 * It uses "et al" without a period.

I would like to connect this to 51 German journals which I have identified.

Update springer-fachzeitschriften-medizin-psychologie.csl

rewrite PLoS after update

Create university-college-lillebaelt-vancouver.csl

Create university-college-lillebaelt-harvard.csl

Update university-college-lillebaelt-harvard.csl

Update university-college-lillebaelt-vancouver.csl

Delete adjacent space in remaining cases

Update american-physiological-society.csl

Update body-and-society.csl

Update methods-in-ecology-and-evolution.csl

Update methods-in-ecology-and-evolution.csl

Update currents-in-biblical-research.csl

(special case from 1337)
My changes should make sense on a replacement view, but I am skeptical that the style really wants a `suffix=" ; "`. We should check/discuss carefully...

Update currents-in-biblical-research.csl

Update iica-catie.csl

Update iica-catie.csl

fix some wrong dependents for Springer. Small tweak for Thesis

Create IME-USP.csl

Style in accordance with the norms of Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (Computer Science) theses and dissertations.

Update and rename IME-USP.csl to universidade-de-sao-paulo-instituto-de-matematica-e-estatistica.csl

Updated the style according to the comments received

Update universidade-de-sao-paulo-instituto-de-matematica-e-estatistica.csl

Changed rights tag and removed unused macros

Update universidade-de-sao-paulo-instituto-de-matematica-e-estatistica.csl

Removed other unused macros

Springer German Styles

fix default locale

Fix extra space between citation number and author in pnas.csl

Update molecular-and-cellular-proteomics.csl

Another case of 1346

Create fhnw-ph-schreibberatung.csl

Update and rename fhnw-ph-schreibberatung.csl to padagogische-hochschule-fachhochschule-nordwestschweiz.csl

Update padagogische-hochschule-fachhochschule-nordwestschweiz.csl

Update padagogische-hochschule-fachhochschule-nordwestschweiz.csl

Update padagogische-hochschule-fachhochschule-nordwestschweiz.csl

Alle Änderungs- und Optimierungsvorschläge (vielen Dank dafür!) wurden eingearbeitet.
Neu wurde noch ein kleines Anzeigeproblem bei anonymen `broadcast` etc. behoben.

Delete prefix=" " in second field if second-field-align="flush"

(reference to 1346)

Searched for
<bibliography[^>]*second-field-align="flush"[^>]*>.*<layout[^>]*>\r\n\s*<text variable="citation-number"[^>]*/>\r\n\s*<text[^>]*prefix="

Delete adjacent space in remaining cases - Part 2

( Reference to 1301 )


Update iso690-author-date-fr.csl

Deleting the <text macro="archive_location"/> in the layout because it's already contained in the macro "archive". There was a repetition of the archive location in the final output.

Update iso690-author-date-en.csl

Deleting the <text macro="archive_location"/> in the layout because it's already contained in the macro "archive". There was a repetition of the archive location in the final output.

Update iso690-numeric-fr.csl

Deleting the <text macro="archive_location"/> in the layout because it's already contained in the macro "archive". There was a repetition of the archive location in the final output.

Update iso690-numeric-en.csl

Deleting the <text macro="archive_location"/> in the layout because it's already contained in the macro "archive". There was a repetition of the archive location in the final output.

Create documents-d-archeologie-francaise.csl

Hello, I've done this style for the french archeologists.

Update plos.csl

brackets and space before colon

Update padagogische-hochschule-vorarlberg.csl

Add CSIRO style

Delete adjacent space in remaining cases - Part 2

( Reference to 1301 )

Update and add fix for theory-culture-and-society.csl


Add Newcastle University style, closes #924

Update university-of-helsinki-faculty-of-theology.csl

(ref to 1301)
I don't know how I should change the other cases in the `names`

Update university-of-helsinki-faculty-of-theology.csl

(Not that I would understand, why the editor is only added if there is an author, but let us leave it then, as it is.)

Update RFS style

Add support for translator, original publication date,
and do some cleanup.

Update Économie et statistique style

Add support for translator, original publication date,
and do a lot of cleanup.

Clean up some styles


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Add new style for Population (French Edition)

Add EISSN and fix documentation link for Population style

Add Population (English) dependent style

Add punctuation-in-quote option to Population for English locale

Remove template style from Population English

Spotted by Travis CI.

Remove redundant attributes from Population English dependent style

Add Revue française de sociologie English dependent style

Add ISSN to list of allowed duplicates as the English edition
does not have a separate one.

Add EISSN to Revue française de sociologie (French)


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create molecular-nutrition-and-food-research.csl


Short form of container-title is used only for article-journal

The goal is to be compatible with automatic (MEDLINE) abbreviation in Word processor. So that it would not abbreviate e.g. book titles when citing a chapter. Also a few minor changes in comments.

Short form of container-title is used only for article-journal

The goal is to be compatible with automatic (MEDLINE) abbreviation in Word processor. So that it would not abbreviate e.g. book titles when citing a chapter.
Also improved handling of ordinal numbers in Russian locale and a few minor changes in comments.

Minor correction (removed redundant space)

Update springer-basic-author-date.csl

There should be a point in citations in "et al." but no point in references in "et al". This can be found in the the guidelines and also in articles from the corresponding journals. Or do I miss something here? (The use of the other term "and others" defined to a variant of "et al" seems to be the only fix which CSL let me do...)


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


fixed few indents in the style.

fix supra note in BB

fix et al in pediatric blood and cancer


Style for Elsevier nonstandard journal (European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery) with slight changes to the Vancouver style.

Delete journal-of-bioscience-and-bioengineering.csl


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

add original date and status to APA style

fix edition in APA per

add status for advanced online publication.
Sorting turns out is fine the way it is

remove add-names disambiguation from JAS based on sample article doi: 10.2527/jas.2013-7242

Update Academy of Management Style

Updated according to current style guide.

1. Fix title case of journal titles
2. Consistently format titles of items and containers across item types
3. Fix formatting of genre, publisher, and publisher place as best as
CSL can handle

Made requested revisions to Academy of Management Review style

Made requested changes to Academy of Management Review style

Removed paper-conference from bibliography title case condition on the
assumption that no database will store the proceedings title in sentence
case and that no styles will ask for it in sentence case.

Updated documentation link for Academy of Management Journal

Fixed Academy of Management Review event macro

Fixed capitalization of presented-at in AMR style

Fixed indenting

Updated style to follow new guidelines.

Update springer-basic-author-date-no-et-al.csl

Create Journal-of-burn-care-and-research.csl

The Journal of burn care & research is derived from the American Medical Association, with a limit of 3 authors in bibliography section (only change)

Rename Journal-of-burn-care-and-research.csl to jbcr.csl

Update and rename jbcr.csl to journal-of-burn-care-and-research.csl

updated ID, self, documentation, added ISSN and eISSN, removed original authors, added template

Added dependent styles for Academy of Management

Adding dependent styles for additional Academy of Management

Deleted redundant style

Update invisu.csl

Update invisu.csl

Update documents-d-archeologie-francaise.csl

It's corrections for editor name. I do it like for the authors.
And corrections for the use of "p." (1 page) or "pp." (two or more pages).

Create informationspraxis.csl

This new Open Access journal from library, archive and information community chooses an already existing citation style. They will apply for an ISSN and when this happened, the information can be added here. Any other suggestion for the category?

Create dms-der-moderne-staat.csl

Citation style for the German political science journal "dms - der moderne staat" (

Update and rename dependent/dms-der-moderne-staat.csl to der-moderne-staat.csl

OK, the style has been changed according to your comments.

Update der-moderne-staat.csl

Propositions from @zuphilip have been incorporated. Thanks for checking the file!

Update der-moderne-staat.csl

Date an italics should now be correct

Update der-moderne-staat.csl

OK ISSN and eISSN added

Update university-college-lillebaelt-harvard.csl


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Update brazilian-journal-of-infectious-diseases.csl

updated - vertical-align="sup"- for citation number.


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create crcao.csl

Update and rename crcao.csl to centre-de-recherche-sur-les civilisations-de-l-asie-orientale.csl

Update centre-de-recherche-sur-les civilisations-de-l-asie-orientale.csl

Update centre-de-recherche-sur-les civilisations-de-l-asie-orientale.csl

Update and rename centre-de-recherche-sur-les civilisations-de-l-asie-orientale.csl to centre-de-recherche-sur-les-civilisations-de-l-asie-orientale.csl

Update centre-de-recherche-sur-les-civilisations-de-l-asie-orientale.csl

Update freie-universitat-berlin-geographische-wissenschaften.csl

redirect JAFC (checked instructions and articles) to ACS with titles

add IET style. upcoming commits for IET journals and utilities update

fix validation

fix IET for realz

Update foerster-geisteswissenschaft.csl

- Support for thesis, article, manuscript added (Unterstützung für die Typen "Dissertation" (thesis), "Dokument" (article) und "Manuskript" (manuscript))
- Short title will be used for journals, if available. (Kurztitel wird verwendet, wenn vorhanden. Dadurch wird auch die Option zum Benutzen der Medline-Zeitschriftkürzel in den Pref Doc Settings eingeblendet. Wer den Langtitel nutzen möchte, muss die Kurztitel aus der Datenbank entfernen.)
- URL is shown with magazine, newspaper und journal articles. (Zusätzlich zu Webseiten und Dissertation wird jetzt auch bei Magazin-, Zeitungs- und Journal-Artikel  die URL, wenn vorhanden, angezeigt.)

Update foerster-geisteswissenschaft.csl

Update foerster-geisteswissenschaft.csl

Erklärung Minuszeichen - Halbgeviertstrich

Update foerster-geisteswissenschaft.csl

Corrected wrong indenting (I hope)


Bindestrich (statt des falschen Terms Minuszeichen)

Removed all duplicate translations

I only left the translations that where not duplicates. In these cases I want to keep my translation.

Update Changelog

switch over IET dependent styles

fix palaeontology,

The label for page should not have a period (3rd ed., p. 304).

Editors should be separated by commas, not semicolons (p. 302).

Editors should be separated by commas, not semicolons (p. 302).

The edition succeeds the title and is separated by it with a comma (p. 301).

article-newspaper should be formatted the same as article-magazine (p. 299).

add Chicago author-date with original date and status

fix indenting

Update informationspraxis.csl


Style update for Books

The bibliography needed an update for books because of a punctuation problem. Adding a <choose> with two different outcomes will solve this problem

Update ets-ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

Update ets-ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

Update ets-ecole-de-technologie-superieure.csl

Create european-journal-of-psychotraumatology.csl

Update pour-reussir-note.csl

Small changes regarding documents with more than one author.

Update universita-pontificia-salesiana-it.csl


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style


Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Disable incorrect disambiguate settings

Set disambiguate-add-names and disambiguate-add-givenname to false, as per journal style description here:

Update journal-of-evolutionary-biology.csl

Create Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl

Update and rename Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo.csl to revista-brasileira-de-ciencia-do-solo.csl

Update revista-brasileira-de-ciencia-do-solo.csl

Fix for patents, conference papers, and thesis.

Create zeitschrift-fur-padagogik.csl

Connected to #1416 and described in

Update deutsche-gesellschaft-fur-psychologie.csl

Change rendering of URLs, e.g. <blockquote>Zugriff am 15.12.2012. Verfügbar unter:</blockquote>


Remove text-case attribute from legislation titles

Update zeitschrift-fur-padagogik.csl

Sorry, that was previously still the old version with the point after doi's etc. Moreover, there was a problem with the character encoding. This should fix both issues.

fix journal of mammalogy

Update zeitschrift-fur-padagogik.csl

Following the discussion

OSCOLA: roman + no text-case on title-short legislation

Create ie-Comunicaciones.csl

CSL for the "IE Comunicaciones" Magazine

Change the ID

Since the Travis CI review failed.

Changes as suggested

Some changes as suggested. Review comments in pull request comment section.

Delete xml lang:en for terms tobe used by any lang

Added the <choose> in author macro

As suggested...

Create systematic-and-applied-microbiology.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create surgical-pathology-clinics.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create reactive-and-functional-polymers.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create psychiatric-clinics-of-north-america.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create neurosurgery-clinics-of-north-america.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create neurology-psychiatry-and-brain-research.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create mathematics-and-computers-in-simulation.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create journal-of-industrial-and-engineering-chemistry.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create journal-of-genetic-engineering-and-biotechnology.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create journal-of-crohns-and-colitis-supplements.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Create carbohydrate-research.csl

Style for an Elsevier nonstandard journal with slight changes to the Vancouver style

Update university-college-lillebaelt-harvard.csl

Just correcting an embarrassing oversight:
The 'original-date' field should be displayed in the citation of chapters if it is provided. But since that field most often is empty, I need to substitute with the ordinary 'date' field.

Update freie-universitat-berlin-geographische-wissenschaften.csl

now follows the documentation more closely + some code clean up

Update freie-universitat-berlin-geographische-wissenschaften.csl

Update freie-universitat-berlin-geographische-wissenschaften.csl

Update freie-universitat-berlin-geographische-wissenschaften.csl

remove place from publisher for thesis in SBL and Turabian. Remove access dates from SBL

Do not substitute title for journal articles.

Use title case for titles.

Use title case for container-title.

Fixes to Annual Reviews author-date

1. Fix display of conference papers (previously did not display
container information)
2. Add support for status variable
3. Add support for original date

Update style contributors and timestamp

Capitalize status

Add original date and publisher to all Chicago-note styles. Also fix presentations without title and note format for presentations

add @bwiernik's APA update. closes

Here is the list of his commit messages:
Use archive and location for reports. If available, rather than URL. Per APA 6th ed manual page 212 (example

Change DOI prefix. This new format is preferred per APA Guide to Electronic References

Refine the computer program hack. Other item types might include a 'version' variable, such as a test
manual stored using report. Including item type, which Zotero maps
Computer Program to, narrows the inclusion criteria for this hack.

Mendeley maps Computer Program to article, but also maps version to
number, so the conditional doesn't work there anyway

Avoid displaying Language for computerProgram Zotero maps Programming Language to genre

Remove "day" from speech date APA 6th ed p. 207

Don't display number of volumes for references to a single volume of a book

Change doi preference to CrossRef preferred format

Support special format/medium labels, Used whenever an item is available in an unexpected format, such as a
brochure, an abstract, an editorial, etc.

Change the volume range delimiter to en-dash

fix chapter abbreviation for OSCOLA. Bring no ibid version in line with main version.

fix missing match="any" in APA. Update all other APA variants

Update chroniques-des-activites-archeologiques-de-l-ecole-francaise-de-rome.csl

Adding container-author

The editor should be preceded by a full-stop and be abbreviated. Remove stray volume label.

update springer basic to not abbreviate book titles and don't take out relevant information from book chapters w/o page ranges

Create philippika.csl

Update philippika.csl

Update philippika.csl

l. 212 sq., I had to use this
                <if variable="title-short" match="any">
                  <text variable="title-short" font-style="italic"/>
                  <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
to obtain this
Wagner 1894 = Wagner, R., s.v. Antilochus, RE, 2 (1894), 2429–2431.

Because using this
              <text variable="title-short" font-style="italic"/>
                <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
I obtained this
Wagner, R. (1894) : RE, Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, 2, s.u. Antilochus, 2429 2431.
Wagner 1894 = Wagner, R., s.v. Antilochus, RE, Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, 2 (1894), 2429–2431.

I guess with a container-title-short, it would be easier

Update philippika.csl

Create FASEB Journal style.

Remove duplicate ISSN, fix typography (FASEB).

Add template and doc links, category, summary.

Rename 'FASEB Journal' to 'The FASEB Journal'.

Clean up The FASEB Journal style.

Use global options. Moved type switches from bibliography to macros as
suggested by CSL specification. Removed redundant affixes. Fixed
formatting of books and book chapters. Removed 'medicine' category, kept
'biology' in accordance with the categorization of the U.S. National
Library of Medicine and the journal itself.

Remove unused macro "edition" from The FASEB Journal.

Join lines; use local names attributes in FASEB.

Also, remove vim modeline.

add ZIB. @zuphilip -- I know you're always interested in German styles. This type of style (similar to PVS) is very common in various Nomos social science publications.

Update zeitschrift-fur-padagogik.csl

reported in

Added support for [Blog] and confere location using genre

Update ausonius-editions.csl

Update zeitschrift-fur-padagogik.csl


Update pour-reussir-note.csl

Fix a bug where publisher would appear twice in thesis.

Create journal-of-the-japan-medical-library-association.csl

Update and rename journal-of-the-japan-medical-library-association.csl to igaku-toshokan.csl

Update igaku-toshokan.csl

change CSE author-date to et-al-min=3 and put publisher-place in brackets for thesis as per guide

redirect plant-disease to regular APS style (change as of Jan 2015)

it seemed like such an easy fix...

[ASM] Double-space bibliography
(probably all other ASM styles, but I didn't check exhaustively)

[ASM] Strip periods from journal abbreviations
(not checked across all ASM journals)

Sort bibliography, as citations:  date descending

As reported in email from Carsten Allefeld.

Try to use Travis bundle caching

Ignore caching files

Ignored complete directories in RSpec

For periodicals, if there is an issue number and a volume, the issue should follow the volume, be separated from the volume by a space, be in parentheses, and be in roman type (3rd ed., p. 296). If there is only an issue number but no volume number, the issue number should be preceeded by No. and should not be in parentheses.

Encyclopedia entries should be printed like book chapters, except that In should be ommited (3rd ed., pp, 305-306).

Add translator and collection-editor (3rd ed., p. 305). The editortranslator and collection-editor and extrapolated.

Update society-for-general-microbiology.csl

 * use a group for container-title, collection-title to correct errornous comma when no container-title is present (see )
 * use another group to avoid to output "in " when containter-title and collection-title are missing


changes to "book" category:
- removed unnesessary comma beetween publisher place and a date

Fix interpunctation in biological-psychiatry.csl

This should now work smoothly w.r.t. to the interpunctations. However, the style guid is not covering every case and in the discipline normally only journal articles are cited. Therefore I tried to be consistent with everything I saw and add the rest as it seems to fit into the style. Moreover, I tried to take as the interpunctions outside the macros whenever possible.( Problems with interpuncations were reported: )

Update biological-psychiatry.csl

Update Chemical Reviews parent

Requested by ACS by email.


change translator abbreviation for past&presence to trans.

fix SLAS number display and authors

Update to reflect author's guidelines changes

[ ]
number of authors

fix biotropica

Update university-college-lillebaelt-harvard.csl

Small corrections:
In macro 'access': underline URLs and suppress 'available at'-term when there's no URL.
In macro 'medium': add 'Online' term (if applicable) after genre.
In macro 'issued': remove repetition of issued year.

Create sechenov-russian-journal-of-physiology.csl

Update sechenov-russian-journal-of-physiology.csl

Lines 26 locale was comment out
String "<term name="issue" form="symbol">№</term>" was added into both "<locale xml:lang="en">" and "<locale xml:lang="ru">" instead of the commented out "<locale>"

Update sechenov-russian-journal-of-physiology.csl

Sort before layout now.

Update sechenov-russian-journal-of-physiology.csl

<category field="biology"/>
I think, not psychology but physiology = biology

Update sechenov-russian-journal-of-physiology.csl

Update and rename sechenov-russian-journal-of-physiology.csl to rossiiskii-fiziologicheskii-zhurnal-imeni-i-m-sechenova.csl

Update rossiiskii-fiziologicheskii-zhurnal-imeni-i-m-sechenova.csl

"See my comments in line for how to superscript the citations in text."
Where are you comments? How to superscript the citations in text?

Update rossiiskii-fiziologicheskii-zhurnal-imeni-i-m-sechenova.csl

I have to change <text variable="citation-number" vertical-align="baseline"/> to <text variable="citation-number"/>.
See line 139.

Create SnooksHarvard style

Create style to comply with Snooks & co. Harvard style guide

Update and rename Snooksharvard.csl to SnooksHarvard.csl

Update SnooksHarvard.csl

Added locale.
Removed textcase="lowercase"
Removed "anon" macro
Added quotes="true"
Improved prefix and delimiter use
Changed secondary sort order
Removed empty affixes

Update and rename SnooksHarvard.csl to snooks-and-co-australia-harvard-style.csl

Updated name

Update snooks-and-co-australia-harvard-style.csl

Update snooks-and-co-australia-harvard-style.csl

More fixie fixes.

Update snooks-and-co-australia-harvard-style.csl

Name didn't update last time.

Update snooks-and-co-australia-harvard-style.csl

Fixed a reversion to wrong title

Update snooks-and-co-australia-harvard-style.csl

Attempt to fix "pages" error

Update and rename snooks-and-co-australia-harvard-style.csl to style-manual-australian-government.csl

Removed macro "pages"

Update style-manual-australian-government.csl

Fixed indenting
Changed text-case in title macro
Removed superfluous prefix

Removed sort-sep comma in biblio author

The comma was incorrectly set as the sort separator in author names in
bibliography entries. Converted it to single space alone.

author "and" changed to space

Multiple authors/editors were incorrectly delimited by “and”. Changed
to simple comma.

Converted class to note

Class was incorrectly given as “in-text”.

Added final period to citations.

Revert "author "and" changed to space"

This reverts commit bae8607cbdc33cab4e1c0d75ba179c8340bfb031.

Removed author "and" attribute.

All authors/editors are separated by commas.

Updated citation-format to note.

Needed to complete switch of class to note from in-text.

Add "director" to "secondary-contributors" macro

For rendering the director element in, e.g., *Movie Title*. 2004. Directed by Mary Smith. Hollywood, CA: Bigshot Productions.

Add "director" as separate element to "secondary-contributors"

Create harvard-leeds-beckett-university.csl

Created a new format style for the 2014 revision of Leeds Beckett University's "Quote Unquote" documentation. Includes more precise formats for more types of reference documents.

Removed double spacing

Removed unnecessary motion_picture with medium if statement

Fixed all instances of if incorrectly used without match="any"

Removed all double-spacing from attributes

Use cleaner substitute syntax for citations

Fixed incorrect use of page and locator variables

New update time

Fixed one last missed attribute double-space

New update time

Fix for editor translator in container-contributors & secondary-contributors macros

Similar issue to the one discussed in
Not quite sure about the format here, though. Common sense would suggest author(s) come before editor(s) and translator(s) – but how are authors separated then from editors/translators in the output? Couldn't find any example in the manual.

complete style overhaul

Following an extensive review of the style over the (SH) summer, this updates the essa…
  • Loading branch information
adam3smith committed Oct 13, 2015
1 parent 4a87d89 commit e6a18eb
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 1,964 changed files with 76,894 additions and 10,080 deletions.
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
sudo: false
language: ruby
bundler_args: --without extra
cache: bundler
- 1.9.3
- 2.2
Expand All @@ -11,6 +12,8 @@ notifications:
on_failure: always
on_success: always
on_failure: never
on_failure: always
on_start: never
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ The CSL style repository is the central location on the web for collecting
and maintaining CSL styles. Software like Zotero, Mendeley, and Papers draw
their styles directly from our repository.

Help us improve our repository and contribute new styles or fix up existing
ones. We're particularly interested in styles for journals and published
style guides.
We welcome style submissions (and corrections), and are particularly
interested in styles for journals and published style guides. If you
wish to submit a different type of style, please first check our
[Criteria for Accepting Styles](

To submit a style, please follow the following steps:

Expand Down
38 changes: 21 additions & 17 deletions Gemfile.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,25 +4,29 @@ GEM
csl (1.2.3)
namae (~> 0.7)
diff-lcs (1.2.5)
fuubar (1.3.3)
rspec (>= 2.14.0, < 3.1.0)
fuubar (2.0.0)
rspec (~> 3.0)
ruby-progressbar (~> 1.4)
mini_portile (0.6.0)
mini_portile (0.6.1)
namae (0.9.2)
nokogiri (
mini_portile (= 0.6.0)
nokogiri (
mini_portile (= 0.6.0)
rake (10.3.2)
rspec (2.14.1)
rspec-core (~> 2.14.0)
rspec-expectations (~> 2.14.0)
rspec-mocks (~> 2.14.0)
rspec-core (2.14.8)
rspec-expectations (2.14.5)
diff-lcs (>= 1.1.3, < 2.0)
rspec-mocks (2.14.6)
ruby-progressbar (1.5.1)
nokogiri (1.6.5)
mini_portile (~> 0.6.0)
nokogiri (1.6.5-x86-mingw32)
mini_portile (~> 0.6.0)
rake (10.4.2)
rspec (3.1.0)
rspec-core (~> 3.1.0)
rspec-expectations (~> 3.1.0)
rspec-mocks (~> 3.1.0)
rspec-core (3.1.7)
rspec-support (~> 3.1.0)
rspec-expectations (3.1.2)
diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.1.0)
rspec-mocks (3.1.3)
rspec-support (~> 3.1.0)
rspec-support (3.1.2)
ruby-progressbar (1.7.0)

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103 changes: 69 additions & 34 deletions academy-of-management-review.csl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="documentation"/>
<link href="" rel="documentation"/>
<name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
Expand All @@ -24,11 +24,15 @@
<name>Simon Kornblith</name>
<name>Brenton M. Wiernik</name>
<category citation-format="author-date"/>
<category field="social_science"/>
<rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
<macro name="container-contributors">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,45 +86,56 @@
<macro name="access">
<if variable="URL">
<text variable="URL"/>
<group prefix=", ">
<date variable="accessed">
<date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
<date-part name="day" suffix=", "/>
<date-part name="year"/>
<if variable="page" match="none">
<if variable="URL">
<text variable="URL"/>
<if variable="issued" match="none">
<date variable="accessed" prefix=", ">
<date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
<date-part name="day" suffix=", "/>
<date-part name="year"/>
<macro name="title">
<if type="report thesis" match="any">
<if variable="container-title" match="none">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic" font-weight="bold"/>
<group prefix=". ">
<text variable="genre"/>
<text variable="number" prefix=" No. "/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic" font-weight="bold"/>
<text variable="title"/>
<macro name="publisher">
<if type="report thesis" match="any">
<group delimiter=": ">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<if type="report" match="any">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<text variable="number" prefix=" no. "/>
<group delimiter=": ">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<else-if type="thesis manuscript" match="any">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="genre"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<else-if type="article-journal article-magazine" match="none">
<text variable="genre" suffix=", "/>
<group delimiter=": ">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
Expand All @@ -131,8 +146,19 @@
<macro name="event">
<if variable="event">
<text term="presented at" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="event"/>
<if variable="genre" match="none">
<text term="presented at" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="event"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<text term="presented at"/>
<text variable="event"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,13 +205,13 @@
<text variable="edition" suffix="."/>
<text variable="edition"/>
<macro name="locators">
<if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any">
<if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper paper-conference" match="any">
<group prefix=", " delimiter=": ">
<text variable="volume"/>
Expand All @@ -194,9 +220,11 @@
<text variable="page"/>
<else-if type="bill book chapter graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture paper-conference report song" match="any">
<group prefix=" (" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
<text macro="edition"/>
<else-if type="bill book chapter graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
<text macro="edition" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<group prefix=", ">
<text term="volume" form="short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
<number variable="volume" form="numeric"/>
<text variable="page" prefix=": "/>
Expand All @@ -220,7 +248,7 @@
<text macro="citation-locator" prefix=":"/>
<bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="6" et-al-use-first="6" entry-spacing="0" line-spacing="2">
<bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="6" et-al-use-first="5" entry-spacing="0" line-spacing="2">
<key macro="author"/>
<key macro="issued-year"/>
Expand All @@ -234,14 +262,21 @@
<text macro="container-contributors"/>
<text macro="secondary-contributors"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" font-weight="bold"/>
<if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any">
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" text-case="title" font-weight="bold"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" font-weight="bold"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<group delimiter=", " prefix=". ">
<text macro="event"/>
<text macro="access"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="access"/>
Expand Down

2 comments on commit e6a18eb

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What's up with the commit message here?

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Nevermind, I thought for a minute that this commit had made it into the official repo.

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