An OSX XCode implementation of the T3D Graphics Engine
- No Sound (simple fix)
- Not all keyboard keys work
- Some lines of code regarding Transform need to be checked
- line 61 commented out : Bone.cpp <transform.setLocalRotation>
- line 30 edited : SweepPath.cpp <transform.setLocalRotation>
- Resources have to have the absolute filepath in order to load correctly
- Move all contents of the Frameworks directory to /Library/Frameworks/ (use Ctrl+shift+G in finder to find this folder)
- Add your resource directory path to the project
- In XCode, select Find->Find and replace in Project.
- Copy YOUR_RESOURCE_PATH into the find field and hit enter.
- Add your path to the /MacOSGLApplication/Resource directory. Make sure to add both the start and end slashes!
- Hit Replace All!
eg. I copied the resources directory to my home directory in order to make it easier to reference.