IMT3673 Lab 1 (Android, Java)
- editable text field (T1)
- slider (S1)
- a drop-down list of options (L1)
- a button (B1)
- non-editable text field (T2)
- another non-editable text field (T3)
- a button (B2)
- a single editable text field (T4)
- a single button (B3)
- When a user presses B1, activity A2 becomes active.
- When a user presses B2, activity A3 becomes active.
- When a user presses B3, activity A2 becomes active again.
- When a user presses Back button from A2, she will go to A1.
- When a user presses Back button from A1, it will quit the app.
- When a user presses Back button from A3, it goes back to A2.
- The field T2 shows "Hello " + the value of T1 from A1
- The field T3 shows "From A3: " + the value of T4 from A3
- The selection of the drop-down list L1 from A1 should be persistent between different runs of the application, such that, when the user changes the selection, upon the consecutive execution of the app, the selection is as the user picked it, not as the app had it initially as default when the app was executed for the first time.
- use Intent to pass data between activities
- use startActivityForResult() between A2 and A3
- The git repository URL is correctly provided, such that command works: git clone
- When a user presses B1, activity A2 becomes active.
- When a user presses B2, activity A3 becomes active.
- When a user presses B3, activity A2 becomes active again.
- When a user presses Back button from A2, she will go to A1.
- When a user presses Back button from A1, it will quit the app.
- When a user presses Back button from A3, it goes back to A2.
- The field T2 shows "Hello " + the value of T1 from A1
- The field T3 shows the same value "From A3: " if T4 was edited but Back button was pressed
- The field T3 shows "From A3: " + the value of T4 from A3, if B3 was pressed and T4 was edited
- The dropdown L1 field shows user-selected option when the app is restarted again (after being killed from running in the background)