Lightweight and flexible web development.
Public files to present the front-end.
Server code to host the back-end.
File structure:
:files used to generate website
constitution/ -we the people
css/ -stylesheets
js/ -scripts
/routes.js ---single-page section transitions
img/ -image files (actual files omitted)
lib/ -static frameworks and externally developed files
js/ ---scripts (mostly jquery)
css/ ---styles (not bootstrap)
index.html -main page of website
:web server files
package.json -file describing project and node dependencies
app.js -node.js express application
gruntfile.js -automated javascript
:extras data/ -good ol' port:6969 auth/ -code for login and routing the web-app
You can test and run the majority of front end by clicking and dragging public/index.html into a browser nav bar.
Feel free to make any changes and additions to the git. Be sure to update README whenever you are making a change that requires explanation.
Please comment sections of non-trivial code.
Server-side javascript, used to serve our content.
Download the latest version at