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Qics - Quantum Idealistic Computer Simulator

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Qics is an Idealistic, Quantum Computer Simulation Library. It works by holding a Quantum Register as a Matrix, and then multiplying that against various Gate Matrices. For more information about the working, see the src directory for the source code, or see examples/node.js or the Usage Section for information on the usage of the module.


  • A 'Universally Complete', Quantum Circuit Based Simulator
  • Gate Expansion Function (To make a single qubit gate work on a register with multiple qubits)
  • Relatively Simple To Use
  • Inline Documentation with Docco


Currently the library is available using Node.js and NPM. To install the module, use the command:

npm install qics

(NOTE: Works with Node.js Versions >= 4)

If you want to use this in the browser, just add the qics.js or qics.min.js from the dist folder

Then you are able to use the module. When it's installed, Qics exposes two classes, qics.Register and qics.gates.

qics.Register is the main class, and is the basis of the simulator. It is used like any other class using the new keyword. Once initiated, there is a number of methods, see below or the Documentation.

qics.gates exposes all of the single qubit gates as 2D arrays. It also has some static methods, such as generateGate(). Again, see the documentation.

Example simulation:

// Import the module
const qics = require('qics');

// Create a new Quantum Register with 3 Qubits
const reg = new qics.Register(3);

// Apply some gates.
// Hadamard Gate
reg.applyGate('H', 1);
// CNOT Gate, with control as qubit 1, and the
// target as qubit 3
reg.applyGate('CNOT', 1, 3) ;

// Now measure the register. Should return either "000" or "101"

You can also use your own gates, by inputing them as an Array or Math.Matrix object to the applyGate function.

// Manually Add A NOT Gate

const reg = new qics.Register(2);

  [0, 1],
  [1, 0]
], 1);

// Now measure the register. Should return either "10"


This library is documented using Inline Prose Comments, and then generated using Docco. The documentation is just source code comments, but the source isn't too complex, and the functions are quite clear to use.

To read the docs, Checkout Here!

To deploy the docs to the github pages, run

git subtree push --prefix docs origin gh-pages

To build the docs, run npm run docs.


First you need to clone the repo from github:

git clone git://
cd qics

Then install the dependencies:

npm install

Then you can run the build script:

npm run build

This will build the module, and output to the lib folder. If you want to build for client side (i.e. in the browser), run npm run build:all and then it will output qics.js and qics.min.js to the dist folder.


To run the test for this module, after cloning and installing, run:

npm run test

And it will run all of the tests.