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Clocked Functional Reactive Programming

An implementation of the Simply-typed version of Clocked Type Theory (CloTT) clocks for my master's thesis at ITU (pdf is in the repo). CloFRP (also known as CloPL) is a language that enables safe co-inductive programming. Specifically, it uses guarded recursion to ensure that co-recursive definitions are productive and causal. The novel idea compared to ordinary nakano-style guarded recursion is that it introduces the notion of clocks and ticks on these clocks, which are used to unfold guarded-recursive definitions. One can quantify over clocks to express truly coinductive definitions (as opposed to guarded-recursive) that maintain the productivity guarantees, but relax the causality constraint. As such, we can bridge the gap between co-recursive and guarded-recursive definitions. On top of that, the "guardedness" of a recursive function is explicit in its type signature.

Aside from these ideas, CloFRP resembles an ordinary Haskell-inspired language. As such it features:

  • Datatype declarations syntax ála vanilla Haskell
  • Type synonyms
  • Automatic derivation of fmap (functor map) for strictly-positive types
  • Bi-directional higher-rank type inference - polymorphic functions must be annotated, but everything else should be inferrable.
  • Higher-kinded types
  • Guarded recursion
  • Well-founded primitive recursion
  • A limited form of impredicativity via explicit type applications

Notable differences between Haskell:

  • No type-classes (functors are special-case built-in pseudo-typeclass that can only be derived)
  • Basically no language extensions (except for TypeApplications and ScopedTypeVariables which are built-in)
  • Strict evaluation
  • Clocks, ticks on clocks and clock-abstraction
  • Not white-space aware syntax.
  • (:) for type-annotations
  • No kind-inference of type-variables -- they must be annotated if they're not of kind *
  • No general recursion

Note that this is very much research-grade software!

Project Structure

The library directory contains all the interesting code. test-suite contains the test suite (unsurprisingly) -- the test suite consists of just over 300 hand-written scenario tests. The code is split into several folders and modules:

  • AST contains the abstract syntax tree of programs written in CloFRP - expressions, types, patterns, names, primitives, declarations and programs
  • Check contains code to type-check (and elaborate, which should be refactored out) programs written in CloFRP. The meat of the implementation lies within this namespace.
  • Evals contains code that evaluates CloFRP programs
  • Parser contains parsers for various CloFRP terms
  • Derive contains code to derive functors from data-type declarations
  • Interop defines how to combine CloFRP programs with Haskell programs in a somewhat typesafe manner
  • QuasiQuoter defines quasi-quoters that allow Haskell programmers to write programs in CloFRP easily
  • Annotated, Context, Pretty and Utils contain mostly un-interesting helper functions to work with annotated AST's, different contexts, pretty-printing ASTs and assorted utility functions.


You can clone this repository and build to try out the examples. You can also use stack or cabal to install it as a dependencyl

The primary way to use CloFRP is through the QuasiQuoters it exposes in CloFRP.QuasiQuoter. There are two main ways:

  • The hsclofrp QuasiQuoter takes a textual CloFRP program and compiles it to a semantically equivalent Haskell program which can be used from the rest of your Haskell application without any problems.
  • The clofrp QuasiQuoter takes a textual CloFRP program and compiles it to an abstract syntax tree of CloFRP (the AST.Expr type). You can then evaluate this AST with Eval.evalProg. This approach is however a lot slower, and interoperation with Haskell is a lot more involved (see the paper for details).


Examples are scattered around the code-base a bit. There are some in the Examples module, but most are located in the benchmark and test-suite directories, for example in the Fixtures module.


Simply Typed Clocked Type Theory







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