Adam Matthews - Personal HyperFollow / LinkTree style landing page.
Built with Hugo - (Fast and flexible static site generator).
Themed with L1nkr - (Simple mobile-first LinkTree style Hugo Theme).
- Simple LinkTree theme, designed for mobile-first.
- Automatically dark mode (based on system setttings).
- More than 40 supported brand links.
- Healthcheck endpoint (/healthcheck.json).
- Automated updates (Uses a Github actions to automatically detect and apply dependency updates).
The theme version used to build the site is defined in go.mod
The best practice is to update to released and tested versions. To update to a specific version execute the following command in a terminal/commandline (at the root path of your site repo):
hugo mod get
Replace X,Y & Z with the corresponding version numbers. Releases: here. Please check if any breaking changes are listed under the release you want to update to, before proceeding.