Contains ready-to-go files for working with poetry, tox, pytest, pre-commit, django-debug-toolbar, pytest-cov, separated settings (base/local/test/production) with choice about hiding sensitive data and Users app (as recommended by Django).
- Initializing poetry with django as dependency and installing.
$ poetry init --no-interaction --dependency django
$ poetry install
- Starting project.
$ poetry run django-admin startproject --template \
--name=config.json,pyproject.toml,pytest.ini,.flake8 <your-project-name>
- Remove unnecessary environment.
$ poetry env list
this will show you the venv for that dir
$ poetry env remove whatever-It-Shows-py3.8
Now move file poetry.lock from main folder to newly created with command django-admin. Copy content of pyproject.toml and paste into newly created. Delete copied file.
Creating virtual environment using poetry and adding required packages.
$ cd <your-project-name>
$ poetry install
$ poetry add -D pre-commit pytest-django pytest-pythonpath factory-boy pytest-cov tox django-debug-toolbar
$ poetry add psycopg2
- Go to base settings (project_name/conf/settings/ and choose wheter you want to hide sensitive settings in config.json or in the environment.
Required data: NAME_DB = database name (project name by default) USER_DB = username-access to database PASS_DB = user password-access to database
Extra data: HOST_DB = database host PORT_DB = database port
- Prepare project to run.
$ cd <your-project-name>
$ poetry run python makemigrations
$ poetry run python migrate
$ poetry run python collectstatic
- Running tests and coverage.
$ poetry run pytest
$ poetry run pytest --cov
- Installing pre-commit hook.
$ git init
$ poetry run pre-commit install
$ poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
- Running tests & pre-commit hooks.
$ poetry run tox