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The complete command-line tool Adam with the model checker and the synthesizer for distributed systems. Contains the modules: adam. Contains the repos (as submodules): libs, framework, logics, modelchecking, ui, adammc, examples, synthesizer, boundedSynthesis, high-level, server-command-line, server-command-line-protocol, webinterface-backend, a…


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Adam - Analyzing Distributed Asynchronous Models

A command-line tool for model checking asynchronous distributed systems modeled with Petri nets with transits against Flow-LTL and Flow-CTL and for the synthesis of asynchronous distributed systems modeled with Petri games with transits. It combines the tools AdamMC and AdamSYNT.

Checkout with all Submodules

In order to compile the tool, you have to check out Adam with all submodules:

git clone --recursive <foldername>

If you already have cloned the repository without the --recursive parameter, you have to first execute

git submodule update --init

to get all the code of the dependencies from the other adam repositories.

How To Build

Some of the algorithms depend on external libraries or tools. To locate them properly create a file in the main folder


and add the absolute paths of the necessary libraries or tools:


You may leave some of the properties open if you don't use the corresponding libraries/tools.

A Makefile is located in the main folder. You can build the tool Adam with


which creates a folder deploy containing the necessary files for running Adam. To only deploy AdamMC or AdamSYNT you can use make mc_deploy or make synt_deploy, respectively.

To build a single dependencies separately, use, e.g,

make tools

To delete the build files and clean-up

make clean

To also delete the files generated by the test and all temporary files use

make clean-all

How To Run

After creating the file and building the tool you find all necessary files in the deploy folder. You can call the tool with

./adam <module>
or directly with

java -DPROPERTY_FILE=./ -jar adam.jar

Available modules:
  pn2pdf                         Converts a Petri net to a pdf file by using Graphviz (dot has
                                 to be executable).
  pn2unfolding                   Creates the unfolding of the given net for a maximal number
                                 of occuring transitions. Saves the unfolding and the original
                                 net to a pdf file by using Graphviz (dot has to be
  pnwt2dot                       Converts a Petri net with transits to a dot file.
  pg2dot                         Converts a Petri game in APT format to a dot file.
  sdn2dot                        Converts a Software Defined Networks topology (with an
                                 concurrent update) to a Petri net with transits and saves
                                 this to a dot file.
  pnwt2pdf                       Converts a Petri net with transits to a pdf file by using
                                 Graphviz (dot has to be executable).
  pg2pdf                         Converts a Petri game in APT format to a pdf file by using
                                 Graphviz (dot has to be executable).
  sdn2pdf                        Converts a Software Defined Networks topology (with an
                                 concurrent update) to a Petri net with transits and saves
                                 this to a pdf file by using Graphviz (dot has to be
  pg2tikz                        Converts a Petri game in APT format to a tikz file.
  ex_win_strat                   Returns true if there is a deadlock-avoiding winning strategy
                                 (system players) for the in APT format given Petri game.
  win_strat                      Creates a deadlock-avoiding winning strategy (system players)
                                 for the in APT format given Petri game if existent. Saves the
                                 strategy in the given folder as dot, and if dot is
                                 executable, as pdf.
  mc_pn                          Modelchecking 1-bounded Petri nets with inhibitor arcs
                                 against LTL.
  mc_pnwt                        Modelchecking Petri nets with transits against FlowLTL  or
  mc_sdn                         Modelchecking Software Defined Networks with concurrent
  bench                          Just for benchmark purposes. Does not check any preconditions
                                 of the Petri game. Tests existence of strategy, calculates
                                 graph and Petri game strategy, saves Petri game strategy as
                                 dot without rendering it to a pdf file.
  benchSynt                      Just for benchmark purposes. Does not check any preconditions
                                 of the Petri game. Tests existence of strategy, calculates
                                 graph and Petri game strategy, saves Petri game strategy as
                                 dot without rendering it to a pdf file.
  benchTacas2018                 Just for benchmark purposes. Model checks nets and formulas
                                 for tacas 2018.
  benchCAV2019                   Just for benchmark purposes. Model checks nets and formulas
                                 for CAV 2019.
  benchHL2019                    Just for benchmark purposes. Does not check any preconditions
                                 of the Petri game. Tests existence of strategy, calculates
                                 graph and Petri game strategy, saves Petri game strategy as
                                 dot without rendering it to a pdf file.
  benchRvG2019                   Just for benchmark purposes. Does not check any preconditions
                                 of the Petri game. Only prints the sizes of the low-level
                                 graph game and the corresponding symbolic graph game.
  export                         Exports some data of the tool.
  gen_phil                       Generates the philosopher problem for the given number of
                                 philosophers and saves the resulting net in the APT and dot
                                 format and, if dot is executable, as pdf.
  gen_clerks                     Generates the given number of clerks signing a document and
                                 saves the resulting net in APT and dot format and, if dot is
                                 executable, as pdf. This module generates the Document
                                 Workflow examples of the ADAM paper.
  gen_workflow                   Generates the workflow examples. Saves the resulting net in
                                 APT and dot format and, if dot is executable, as pdf. This
                                 module generates the Job Processing example of the ADAM
  gen_robots                     Generates the self-organizing robots examples. Saves the
                                 resulting net in APT and dot format and, if dot is
                                 executable, as pdf. This module generates the
                                 Self-reconfiguring Robots example of the ADAM paper.
  gen_workflow2                  Generates the workflow2 examples. Saves the resulting net in
                                 APT and dot format and, if dot is executable, as pdf. This
                                 module generates the Concurrent Machines example of the ADAM
  gen_watchdog                   Generates the watchdog examples. Saves the resulting net in
                                 APT and dot format and, if dot is executable, as pdf. Without
                                 partial observation: ============================ The
                                 enviroment set
                                 one machine of the n machines on fire. A smoke detector
                                 sounds the alarm. The
                                 watchdog can asked the smoke detector where the fire started
                                 and have to
                                 extinguish the right machine.
                                 With partial observation: ========================= Same
                                 scenario as above,
                                 but in this case the smoke detector do not reveal where the
                                 fire started.
                                 Thus the watchdog has to go to each machine and take a look
                                 if it was set on
                                 fire. Still the goal is to extinguish the right machine.
  gen_securitySystem             Generates the security system examples. Saves the resulting
                                 net in APT and dot format and, if dot is executable, as pdf.
                                 (systems = 2 it is the burglar example)
                                 A burglar (env) decides to break into some of the
                                 'nb_systems' locations. the intruded system has to inform the
                                 other so that all systems can set up the alarm. No false
                                 alarm, or not informing the other should occure.
  gen_containerTerminal          Generates the container terminal examples (synt2017). Saves
                                 the resulting net in APT and dot format and, if dot is
                                 executable, as pdf.
                                 Two robots should repetitively transport containers to
                                 specified container places (the parameter 'cps') while
                                 avoiding an empty battery.
  gen_emergencyBreakdown         Generates TODO the security system examples. Saves the
                                 resulting net in APT and dot format and, if dot is
                                 executable, as pdf. (systems = 2 it is the burglar example)
                                 A burglar (env) decides to break into some of the
                                 'nb_systems' locations. the intruded system has to inform the
                                 other so that all systems can set up the alarm. No false
                                 alarm, or not informing the other should occure.
  gen_mc_rm_node_update          Generates a network which has an update function to detour
                                 exactly one node (the node is chosen randomly). Saves the
                                 resulting net in APT and, if dot is executable, as pdf.
  gen_mc_redundant_flow_network  Generates a network which has two ways to the output. A
                                 update function can block one of the ways. This can be done
                                 in correct or incorrect ways. Saves the resulting net in APT
                                 and, if dot is executable, as pdf.
  gen_topologie_zoo              Generates a network from the topology given by the input
                                 file. Saves the resulting net in APT and, if dot is
                                 executable, as pdf.
  gen_mc_smart_factory           Generates a smart factory which can create 'nb_products'
                                 products. There
                                 are 'nb_shared_machines' machines which are shared by all
                                 products, and
                                 'nb_special_machines' machines which are just responsable for
                                 creation of one type of product. Saves the resulting net in
                                 APT and, if dot is executable, as pdf.

How To Develop
The submodules are all checked out with a detached head, so if you want to change in the dependencies
you can use
```make checkout_branch_all```
```git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master```
to set all submodules (and the main repository) to the default branch.

You can run all tests for any submodule by just navigating into the corresponding folder and typing

ant test

For testing a specific class use for example (for the module _modelchecker_)

ant test-class

and for testing a specific method use for example (for the module _modelchecker_)

ant test-method

This module depends on the 
- the repository as submodules: [libs](, [examples](, [framework](, [logics](, [modelchecker](, [adammc](, [synthesizer](, [boundedSynthesis](, [synthesisDistrEnv](, [high-level](, [adamsynt](, [server-command-line](, [server-command-protocol](, [webinterface-backend](, [ui](
- the external tools: [McHyper](, [AigerTools](, [ABC](

It uses
[McHyper]( for generating a circuit from a circuit for the system and an LTL formula and
[ABC]( for model checking the resulting circuit.

Related Publications:
For Flow-LTL
- _Bernd Finkbeiner, Manuel Gieseking, Jesko Hecking-Harbusch, Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog:_
  [Model Checking Data Flows in Concurrent Network Updates]( ATVA 2019: 515-533 [(Full Version)](
For Flow-CTL
- _Bernd Finkbeiner, Manuel Gieseking, Jesko Hecking-Harbusch, Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog:_
  [Model Checking Branching Properties on Petri Nets with Transits]( ATVA 2020: 394-410 [(Full Version)]( 

- _Bernd Finkbeiner, Manuel Gieseking, Jesko Hecking-Harbusch, Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog:_
  [AdamMC: A Model Checker for Petri Nets with Transits against Flow-LTL]( CAV (2) 2020: 64-76 [(Full Version)](



The complete command-line tool Adam with the model checker and the synthesizer for distributed systems. Contains the modules: adam. Contains the repos (as submodules): libs, framework, logics, modelchecking, ui, adammc, examples, synthesizer, boundedSynthesis, high-level, server-command-line, server-command-line-protocol, webinterface-backend, a…







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