This library allows you to encode and decode B-encoded documents.
Map<String,BEncodedValue> document = new HashMap<String, BEncodedValue>() {{
put("string", new BEncodedValue("value"));
put("number", new BEncodedValue(123456));
put("list", new BEncodedValue(new ArrayList<BEncodedValue>() {{
add(new BEncodedValue("list-item-1"));
add(new BEncodedValue("list-item-2"));
put("dict", new BEncodedValue(new HashMap<String, BEncodedValue>() {{
put("123", new BEncodedValue("test"));
put("456", new BEncodedValue("thing"));
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BEncoder.encode(document, baos);
String encodedDocument = new String(baos.toByteArray());
4:dict d
3:123 4:test
3:456 5:thing
4:list l
6:number i123456e
6:string 5:value
The library can do the reverse operation as well: decode.
First you need to read the torrent and decode it:
File torrentFile = "file.torrent";
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(torrentFile);
BDecoder reader = new BDecoder(inputStream);
Map<String, BEncodedValue> document = reader.decodeMap().getMap();
Then you can start extracting information from it:
String announce = document.get("announce").getString(); // Strings
Map<String, BEncodedValue> info = document.get("info").getMap(); // Maps
List<BEncodedValue> files = info.get("files").getList(); // Lists
You can check if a key exists using the 'containsKey' method as such:
if (document.containsKey("info")) {
System.out.println("The info field exists");
The documentation page lists how you can add this library as a dependency of your project.
This library was created since no other viable libraries existed, and the ttorrent project contains a bunch of unecessary content. It is based on the work of Maxime Petazzoni.