Wit.ai integration with Microsoft Bot Builder LuisDialog. It implements the Bot Builder ILuisService.
Install-Package Adfa.Bot.Builder.WitAi
public class MyLuisDialog : LuisDialog<string> {
public MyLuisDialog() : base(new WitAiLuisService("wit-token-goes-here")) { }
public async Task None(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
await context.PostAsync($"Sorry I couldn't process that expression.");
// ...
// Close dialog and return to parent
Since wit.ai doesn't have Intent as a first class feature (as available in Microsoft LIUS), your query must include at least an entity with the name "intent".
You can then setup a LuisIntent attribute with the value of the "intent" entity, in a LuisDialog derivative class. The following example setup a handler for an wit.ai entity with the name "intent", and value "register":
public class MyWitAiDialog : LuisDialog<string> {
public MyLuisDialog() : base(new WitAiLuisService("wit-token-goes-here")) { }
public async Task Register(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
// Retrieve registration information from 'result' parameter.
// Registration logic goes here
// Report success
await context.PostAsync($"Registration completed.");