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Fix: removed some DB compaction code
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adedayo committed Mar 6, 2019
1 parent 9054110 commit cac6876
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Showing 4 changed files with 31 additions and 204 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion cmd/tcpscan/cmd/root.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ func runner(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
PacketsPerSecond: rate,
Quiet: quiet,
Interface: iface,
CommandLine: true,
for ack := range portscan.ScanCIDR(config, args...) {
key := ack.Host + ack.Port
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions model.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ type ScanConfig struct {
Quiet bool
//If not empty, indicates which network interface to use, bypassing automated guessing
Interface string
//used to indicate whether this is being used as a command line tool, a hack to deal with a Linux issue with pcap.OpenLive
CommandLine bool

//PortACK describes a port with an ACK after a TCP SYN request
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231 changes: 30 additions & 201 deletions persistence.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,26 +18,11 @@ import (
var (
dayFormat = "2006-01-02"
baseScanDBDirectory = filepath.FromSlash("data/tcpscan/scan")
// scanSummaryCache = make(map[string]tlsmodel.ScanResultSummary)
// scanCache = make(map[string][]tlsmodel.HumanScanResult)
psrCache = make(map[string]PersistedScanRequest)
lock = sync.RWMutex{}
scanCacheLock = sync.RWMutex{}
psrCache = make(map[string]PersistedScanRequest)
lock = sync.RWMutex{}
scanCacheLock = sync.RWMutex{}

//GetScanData returns the scan results of a given scan
// func GetScanData(date, scanID string) []tlsmodel.HumanScanResult {
// scanCacheLock.Lock()
// key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", date, scanID)
// if cache, ok := scanCache[key]; ok {
// scanCacheLock.Unlock()
// return cache
// }
// scanCacheLock.Unlock()
// getScanSummary(date, scanID) //side effect populate cache
// return GetScanData(date, scanID)
// }

//ListScans returns the ScanID list of persisted scans
func ListScans(rewindDays int, completed bool) (result []ScanRequest) {
if rewindDays < 0 {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,72 +67,6 @@ func ListScans(rewindDays int, completed bool) (result []ScanRequest) {

//StreamScan streams the result to a callback function
// func StreamScan(day, scanID string, callback func(progress, total int, results []tlsmodel.HumanScanResult)) {
// if psr, err := LoadScanRequest(day, scanID); err == nil {
// tot := psr.Progress
// streamExistingResult(psr, func(progress int, results []tlsmodel.ScanResult, narrative string) {
// callback(progress, tot, humanise(results))
// })
// }
// }

// func humanise(in []tlsmodel.ScanResult) (out []tlsmodel.HumanScanResult) {
// for _, r := range in {
// out = append(out, r.ToStringStruct())
// }
// return
// }

//StreamExistingResult sends data via a callback function
// func streamExistingResult(psr PersistedScanRequest,
// callback func(progress int, result []tlsmodel.ScanResult, narrative string)) {
// opts := badger.DefaultOptions
// dbDir := filepath.Join(baseScanDBDirectory, psr.Request.Day, psr.Request.ScanID)
// opts.Dir = dbDir
// opts.ValueDir = dbDir
// opts.ReadOnly = true
// db, err := badger.Open(opts)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// return
// }
// defer db.Close()

// hostResults := make(map[string][]tlsmodel.ScanResult)
// total := len(psr.Hosts)
// position := 0

// db.View(func(txn *badger.Txn) error {

// opts := badger.DefaultIteratorOptions
// opts.PrefetchSize = 100
// it := txn.NewIterator(opts)
// defer it.Close()

// for it.Rewind(); it.Valid(); it.Next() {
// item := it.Item()
// host := string(item.Key())
// if _, present := hostResults[host]; !present {
// res, err := item.ValueCopy(nil)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// result, err := tlsmodel.UnmarsharlScanResult(res)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// position++
// narrative := fmt.Sprintf("Finished scan of %s. Progress %f%% %d hosts of a total of %d in %f seconds\n",
// host, 100*float32(position)/float32(total), position, total, time.Since(psr.ScanStart).Seconds())
// callback(position, result, narrative)
// }
// }
// return nil
// })

// }

//PersistScans persists the result of scans per server
func PersistScans(psr PersistedScanRequest, server string, scans []PortACK) {
opts := badger.DefaultOptions
Expand All @@ -167,96 +86,6 @@ func PersistScans(psr PersistedScanRequest, server string, scans []PortACK) {

//GetScanSummaries returns summaries of scans in the last number of days indicated by rewindDays
// func GetScanSummaries(rewindDays int) []tlsmodel.ScanResultSummary {
// summaries := []tlsmodel.ScanResultSummary{}
// for _, scan := range ListScans(rewindDays, true) {
// summaries = append(summaries, getScanSummary(scan.Day, scan.ScanID))
// }
// return summaries
// }

// type gradePair struct {
// best, worst string
// }

//getScanSummary computes a summary of a scan as indicated by a scan date and ID
// func getScanSummary(dateDir, scanID string) tlsmodel.ScanResultSummary {
// lock.Lock()
// if sum, ok := scanSummaryCache[fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", dateDir, scanID)]; ok {
// lock.Unlock()
// return sum
// }
// lock.Unlock()
// summary := tlsmodel.ScanResultSummary{}
// summary.HostGrades = make(map[string]string)
// summary.WorstGrade = "Worst"
// summary.BestGrade = "Best"
// hosts := make(map[string]gradePair) // map from host to the best and worst grades
// gradeToPorts := make(map[string][]string)
// key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", dateDir, scanID)
// scanCacheLock.Lock()
// defer scanCacheLock.Unlock()
// StreamScan(dateDir, scanID, func(progress, total int, results []tlsmodel.HumanScanResult) {
// summary.Progress = progress
// summary.HostCount = total

// for _, r := range results {
// if cache, ok := scanCache[key]; ok {
// cache = append(cache, r)
// scanCache[key] = cache
// } else {
// scanCache[key] = []tlsmodel.HumanScanResult{r}
// }
// summary.PortCount++
// grade := r.Score.Grade
// if hostPorts, present := gradeToPorts[grade]; present {
// hostPorts = append(hostPorts, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", r.Server, r.Port))
// gradeToPorts[grade] = hostPorts
// } else {
// gradeToPorts[grade] = []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", r.Server, r.Port)}
// }

// if g, ok := hosts[r.Server]; ok {
// if == "" || r.Score.OrderGrade( < r.Score.OrderGrade(grade) { // better grade
// = grade
// }

// if g.worst == "" || r.Score.OrderGrade(g.worst) > r.Score.OrderGrade(grade) { //worse grade
// g.worst = grade
// }
// hosts[r.Server] = g
// } else {
// hosts[r.Server] = gradePair{grade, grade}
// }

// if r.Score.OrderGrade(summary.BestGrade) < r.Score.OrderGrade(grade) {
// summary.BestGrade = grade
// }

// if r.Score.OrderGrade(summary.WorstGrade) > r.Score.OrderGrade(grade) {
// summary.WorstGrade = grade
// }
// }
// })

// for host, grades := range hosts {
// summary.HostGrades[host] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", grades.worst,
// }

// if psr, err := LoadScanRequest(dateDir, scanID); err == nil {
// summary.ScanStart = psr.ScanStart
// summary.ScanEnd = psr.ScanEnd
// summary.Request = psr.Request
// }
// summary.GradeToHostPorts = gradeToPorts
// lock.Lock()
// scanSummaryCache[fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", dateDir, scanID)] = summary
// lock.Unlock()

// return summary
// }

//LoadScanRequest retrieves persisted scan request from folder following a layout pattern
func LoadScanRequest(dir, scanID string) (psr PersistedScanRequest, e error) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,15 +181,15 @@ func PersistScanRequest(psr PersistedScanRequest) {
return txn.Set([]byte(psr.Request.ScanID), psr.Marshall())

if psr.Progress%10 == 0 { //compact DB every 10 run
lsmx, vlogx := db.Size()
for db.RunValueLogGC(.8) == nil {
lsmy, vlogy := db.Size()
println("Compacted DB")
fmt.Printf("Before LSM: %d, VLOG: %d, After LSM: %d, VLOG: %d\n", lsmx, vlogx, lsmy, vlogy)
lsmx, vlogx = lsmy, vlogy
// if psr.Progress%10 == 0 { //compact DB every 10 run
// lsmx, vlogx := db.Size()
// for db.RunValueLogGC(.8) == nil {
// lsmy, vlogy := db.Size()
// println("Compacted DB")
// fmt.Printf("Before LSM: %d, VLOG: %d, After LSM: %d, VLOG: %d\n", lsmx, vlogx, lsmy, vlogy)
// lsmx, vlogx = lsmy, vlogy
// }
// }

//CompactDB reclaims space by pruning the database
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,24 +217,24 @@ func CompactDB(dayPath, scanID string) {

//compact the scan results
dbDir = filepath.Join(baseScanDBDirectory, dayPath, scanID)
opts.Dir = dbDir
opts.ValueDir = dbDir
db, err = badger.Open(opts)
if err != nil {

lsmx, vlogx = db.Size()
for db.RunValueLogGC(.8) == nil {
lsmy, vlogy := db.Size()
println("Compacted DB", opts.Dir)
fmt.Printf("Before LSM: %d, VLOG: %d, After LSM: %d, VLOG: %d\n", lsmx, vlogx, lsmy, vlogy)
lsmx, vlogx = lsmy, vlogy
// dbDir = filepath.Join(baseScanDBDirectory, dayPath, scanID)
// opts.Dir = dbDir
// opts.ValueDir = dbDir
// db, err = badger.Open(opts)
// if err != nil {
// println(err.Error())

// log.Fatal(err)
// return
// }
// lsmx, vlogx = db.Size()
// for db.RunValueLogGC(.8) == nil {
// lsmy, vlogy := db.Size()
// println("Compacted DB", opts.Dir)
// fmt.Printf("Before LSM: %d, VLOG: %d, After LSM: %d, VLOG: %d\n", lsmx, vlogx, lsmy, vlogy)
// lsmx, vlogx = lsmy, vlogy
// }
// db.Close()


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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions portscan.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ func getRoute(config ScanConfig) routeFinder {
if config == lastConfig {
return lastRoute
println("Calculating Route")
//get the network interface to use for scanning: ppp0, eth0, en0 etc.
route := routeFinder{}
dev, netIface, err := getPreferredDevice(config)
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