Heliochrome is a CPU ray tracer written in rust. This was initially adapted from Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing in One Weekend Series, and has been extended in my exploration of ray tracing.
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend Series (Peter Shirley)
- Inigo Quilez's whole site (Inigo Quilez)
- https://64.github.io/tonemapping/ (Matt Taylor)
- Semi-real time previewing of renders using a cumulative image buffer
- Mesh primitive and loading from obj files
- Signed Distance Function (SDF) primitives using ray marching
- Homogeneous transforms using matrices and a custom maths module
- HDRI equirectangular skyboxes
- Tone mapping using Hable, Reinhard, Hejl-Richard, and ACES
- Custom scene loader
smoothanne, 1000 samples (with importance sampling)
cubes, 200 samples
swirlyboi, 300 samples
mandel bulb, 250 samples (Reinhard tone mapping)
glass suzanne, 500 samples
orbs, 1200 samples
suzanne (no smooth shade), 400 samples
cornell box, 1000 samples (with importance sampling)