A simon says kotlin implementation because I was bored.
Because I was bored and thought it would be fun.
- There are times the sound stops working and then continues to not work until app is restarted.
- Some times the background of the button will get stuck in a certain state. (Either never turn on, never turn off, or if one color is selected twice in a row the color may not light up or turn off.)
- All buttons.
- Highlight button when selected.
- Play tone when selected.
- Game Logic.
- User interactions.
- Play error if incorrect.
- Add Scoring.
- Add High Scoring.
- Add Restart game if game ends (via Dialog).
- Add Start button.
- Add new theme
- Add Ad Support (Because I want to learn how it works) + show ad logic
- Add custom themes
- Add custom sounds
- Add Animations!
- Add pay support (Because I want to learn how it works)
- Add New game modes (Maybe something with multiple button at once or simon swipe)
- Fix Sound and Highlight Issues.
implementation 'com.github.mcginty:material-colors:1.1.0'